
Achievements of Modern Agriculture in Uganda


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Agriculture is a major sector of the Ugandan economy, and it has made significant achievements in the recent years. Here are some of the notable achievements of agriculture in Uganda;The adoption of modern agricultural practices and technologies has helped to increase agricultural productivity in Uganda. For instance, the use of improved seed varieties, irrigation, and fertilizers has helped to increase crop yields.

Uganda has diversified its crop portfolio, moving away from its traditional reliance on coffee and cotton. The country has developed new export crops such as tea, horticulture, and oil seeds, which have helped to increase the country’s export earnings.

The government has implemented a number of programs to improve access to finance for farmers. This has included the establishment of agricultural credit schemes, which provide affordable loans to farmers, and the development of agricultural insurance products, Parish Development Model and Emyooga etc

Figure  Courtesy Photo

The government has made efforts to improve market access for farmers, particularly through the establishment of agricultural marketing and processing infrastructure. This has helped to increase the value of agricultural products and improve the incomes of farmers.

The government has invested in the expansion and improvement of extension services, which provide farmers with advice on agricultural practices and technologies. This has helped to increase the adoption of modern agricultural practices and improve productivity. 

Figure  President Museveni handing over Agricultural machinery at Namalere Mechanisation centre

Agriculture has played a significant role in the economic development of Uganda, providing employment opportunities and contributing to poverty reduction. The achievements in the sector have helped to improve food security, increase incomes, and reduce poverty.

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