
Ambassador Zhang Lizhong Applauds Uganda’s Thriving Tourism Sector

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Chinese Ambassador to Uganda, Mr. Zhang Lizhong, lauded Uganda’s tourism sector. According to Ambassador Lizhong, the tourism sector in Uganda has showcased remarkable success, and there lies an immense opportunity for it to further bolster the country’s economic development.

Photo Chinese Ambassador to Uganda, Mr. Zhang Lizhong visiting western Uganda.

During a recent tour of Western Uganda, the Chinese diplomat had words of praise for Uganda’s pristine national parks. He specifically noted his visit in June 2023 to western Uganda, where he visited Muchison national park, Mountain Rwenzori, and the Semuliki National Park in the Bundibugyo district. Which undoubtedly left an indelible mark on Ambassador Lizhong.

“Uganda has a long history of national parks, like Muchison national park, tracing back as early as 1920s and has accumulated many experiences in preservation of natural beauty. China has a lot to learn from Uganda in the operation and management of national parks system,” Ambassador Lizhong tweeted.

Zhang Lizhong urged the Chinese community living in Uganda to take time off their busy schedules and tour Uganda’s tourist sites that make the country the Pearl of Africa.

His commendation isn’t merely words of appreciation. Highlighting China’s keen interest, he expressed the Chinese government’s intention to invest in Uganda’s tourism sector. Such an investment can prove to be a win-win situation for both nations. For Uganda, it could mean an influx of tourists, better infrastructure, and a more globally recognized status as a prime tourist destination. For China, this could signify a step further in strengthening bilateral relations and exploring new avenues of investment.

Photo Ambassador Lizhong at the Sempaya Hot springs in Semuliki National Park.

China and Uganda have enjoyed close diplomatic ties since their establishment in 1962. Over the years, collaborations have ranged across various sectors, including infrastructure, trade, and education. The focus on tourism now can be seen as a reflection of the evolving dynamics and priorities of both countries.

It’s important to acknowledge that a boost in tourism has wide-ranging implications. Beyond the immediate economic benefits, increased tourism can generate employment, promote local businesses, and lead to the overall development of the region.

Ambassador Zhang Lizhong’s endorsement of China’s interest in investing in Uganda’s tourism come at a crucial juncture. As the world is recovering and rebuilding from the challenges posed by the global pandemic, such collaborations can pave the way for a brighter, prosperous future for both nations.

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