
ANC Leaders Praise President Museveni for Welcoming UMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Fighters during Apartheid Struggle

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African National Congress (ANC) party leaders from South Africa praised President Yoweri Museveni for welcoming and providing safety to the UMkhonto weSizwe (MK) anti-apartheid freedom fighters when neighboring states were hesitant to settle them. The leaders visited the Oliver Thambo Leadership School in Uganda, where MK fighters trained and launched attacks against South Africa’s apartheid regime from 1989 to 1993.

African National Congress (ANC) party leaders have praised President Yoweri Museveni for welcoming the UMkhonto weSizwe (MK), anti-apartheid freedom fighters, while the neighboring states were afraid to settle them.

At the Oliver Thambo Leadership School in Kaweweta, Nakasongola district, where the MK fighters trained, planned, and launched attacks against the white racist regime in South Africa from 1989 until 1993 when it was overthrown, the diplomats led by the ANC’s Treasurer General, Dr. Gwen Ramokgopa, praised President Museveni on Sunday on 23rd July 2023.

“We went to this place to reaffirm the historical links between the ANC and NRM and to honor President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda, whom we regard as the founder of our democracy. At a period when the frontline states were fearful of the apartheid system, he was able to welcome MK militants and provide them with safety when they had nowhere else to go,” according to Dr. Ramokgopa.

“We really salute President Museveni’s leadership and also thank the people of Uganda,” she continued. “And we commit that together with the NRM, we will build on the progress we have made with our democracy until all our African children live in prosperity and better circumstances.”

The Oliver Thambo School, according to Dr. Ramokgopa, is a key component in developing new patriots. “Young people are inspired by the sacrifices that our forefathers made,” he stated. The Centre of Excellence provides an explanation of our purpose, history, and future plans while also taking effective action to improve the lives of our common residents.

The ANC and NRM do have brotherly relations and significant historical ties that were cultivated out of sweat and blood, according to Hon. Amb. Barbara Nekesa Oudo, the NRM National Treasurer and a former high commissioner of Uganda to South Africa.

“We are extremely happy with Uganda’s positive relationship with the Republic of South Africa. Amb. Nekesa stated, “We do realize that what President Museveni did in providing shelter to the ANC fighting wing was intended to forge ties with our African brothers and sisters for potential future partnerships for the benefit of our people.

According to H.E. Lulama Xingwana, High Commissioner of the Republic of South Africa to Uganda, Uganda’s contribution to the liberation battles of South Africa and the pacification of the African continent is inspirational.

“It inspires us considerably and gives us a sense of home away from home. Your bravery and resiliency in the face of danger impressed Her Excellency the High Commissioner, she stated.

Maj. Awich Pollar, NRM’s director of diaspora affairs, and Col. Justus Rukundo, commandant of the Oliver Thambo Leadership School and Pan-African Centre for Excellence, were among the other notable leaders present during the tour.

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