Bring complaints against judges on Monday – Judiciary

The Judiciary has called upon the general public to gather in large numbers at Kololo next Monday to voice their concerns about the administration of justice, including grievances against judges. The call was made yesterday 11th April 2024 as the Judiciary announced the first National Court Open Day where the public can interface with different players in the sector.
The Judiciary has urged the public to assemble in Kololo next Monday to express their views on justice administration and issues with judges. This announcement was made on April 11, 2024, alongside the introduction of the National Court Open Day, allowing the public to engage with various stakeholders in the judicial sector.
“The general public is urged to come to Kololo on Monday next week to interface with us and other actors in the justice chain as a way of demystifying the processes and services offered by the Judiciary,” the Judiciary Public Relations Officer, Mr James Ereemye Mawanda, said during a media press briefing yesterday.
He added: “This feedback mechanism, which also serves as an anti-corruption intervention, gives court users a platform to openly ask questions, seek clarity on the kind of justice they receive, and where necessary make proposals for improved performance.”
He, however, urged the public to come with proof to back up their accusations.
Mr Ereemye said since navigating the Judiciary can be challenging for many, the National Court Open Day offers a unique chance for the public to interact informally with judicial officers outside of the typical courtroom environment.
He added that at the event, the Judiciary will highlight the services it offers, emphasize mechanisms being re-engineered by the institution to improve performance, receive feedback from members of the public to guide areas of improvement, and sensitise on the court processes.
Ms Mary Kisaakye Kaitesi, the registrar of planning, research and development of the Judiciary, said the event will start with the arrival of the general public at 8am, followed by an inspection of stalls that will be exhibiting various justice materials, and later get feedback.
Chief Justice Alfonse Owiny-Dollo is the chief guest.
Ms Kaitesi said the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), a government body mandated with the recruitment and discipline of judicial officers, will have a stall at the event to receive any complaints against the judicial officers.
At the Monday event, the public is expected to interact with officials from the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, High Court Divisions and Chief Magistrate Courts.
Mr Ereemye said such events are expected to be interactive and held at specific courts, allowing the public to provide feedback directly to judicial officers.