
Centenary Bank Group Celebrates 40 Years of Financial Inclusion and Community Impact in Uganda

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The commencement of a series of events by Centenary Group to celebrate their 40 years of operations in Uganda. The ruby jubilee celebrations, spanning four months, aim to promote financial inclusion and positive life changes among the Catholic Church-owned bank’s customers.

Centenary bank shareholders at the launch of the anniversary celebrations in Kampala on 10th June 2023

On Saturday 10th June 2023, Centenary Group began a string of events that would culminate in celebrations to honour their 40 years of operations in Uganda.

The Catholic Church-owned bank’s customers will be reminded of their heritage and beliefs during the four-month-long ruby jubilee celebrations, which are meant to encourage financial inclusion and positive life changes.

The events began with a Holy Mass celebrated by Bishop Joseph Antony Zziwa of the Kiyinda-Mityana Diocese at St. Augustine Nsambya in Kampala.

The leader of the Uganda Episcopal Conference, Bishop Zziwa, stressed the significance of youth involvement in financial inclusion and urged the bank to take their needs into consideration because they make up the majority of Uganda’s population.

In order to better the lives of those in need, Centenary Bank, a bank for the poor, continues to make major contributions to corporate social responsibility. In order to improve communities and have a positive impact on society, Centenary Bank must engage with a variety of causes and projects, he said.

In addition, Bishop Zziwa emphasised the value of cooperation, adding that cooperation is essential to maximising the bank’s productivity and achieving greater success.

The government was sincerely thanked for its ongoing assistance and for providing a secure environment for the bank and its clients.

By protecting the environment, we can work together to keep Uganda’s reputation as the “pearl of Africa” and ensure its prosperity for coming generations.

Bishop Zziwa urged all parties to work together to elevate the banking organisation to the top rank in the nation. “I believe we are number two right now, but there is a good reason why we want to be number one, so we cannot accept that.”

Centenary Bank shareholders light a Torch

The bank’s executive director, Mr. Joseph Balikuddembe, declared that the celebrations signify the realisation of their goal of offering financial services to everyone.

Centenary bank’s executive director, Mr. Joseph Balikuddembe

The largest microfinance bank since 1979, he claimed, “creating over 3,000 direct jobs and an additional 6,000 indirect jobs through our CenteAgent platform.”

Additionally, he expressed his sincere gratitude for the unshakable dedication and strategic direction as we work together to empower people and communities and create a future that is both inclusive and bright.

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