G77+China Summit Ends with Museveni’s Plea for Collective Unity

President Museveni closed the 3rd South Summit of G77+China in Kampala, emphasizing unity and cooperation among the 134 member states. The summit focused on the theme “Leaving No One Behind” and addressed issues of production, trade, and infrastructure.

President Yoweri Museveni chairing the 3rd South Summit of the Group of 77 and China (G77+China) on 22nd January 2024 in Kampala.
President Yoweri Museveni has closed the 3rd South Summit of the Group of 77 and China (G77+China) in Kampala, ending five days of fanfare.
“I am very happy on behalf of Uganda to have welcomed you here and I thank you so much for being patient and staying up to the end. And it is now my pleasure to declare the Group of 77 summit and the South Summit closed. Thank you very much,” he told the delegates from 134 member states of G77.
The summit has been running under the theme “Leaving No One Behind” at Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort Hotel since Thursday, January 18, when it kicked off with the senior officials meeting.
The bloc is the largest intergovernmental organisation of developing countries in the UN, representing 80% of the world’s population.
Museveni, who assumed its one-year rotating leadership from Cuba, said it (G77+China) is not as simple as it looks.

The 3rd South Summit of the Group of 77 and China (G77+China) at Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort Hotel on 22nd January 2024
“If we can work together, there isn’t anything we cannot achieve. There is so much we can do together. Therefore, in the one year which you have entrusted me to head the organisation, I will push three points,” he said.
The three points he highlighted include the production of goods and services, encouraging trade interlinkage, and dealing with issues of markets and infrastructure.
“But this assumes that we have peace amongst ourselves because if we don’t have peace then we can’t achieve this. So, I will have to be in touch with some of the brothers and sisters who have got tensions or even conflicts to see how win-win solutions can be found,” Museveni said.
The chairmanship of this bloc, which was formed in 1964, rotates among member countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America based on regional principles.
China is not a member but has been supporting and cooperating with the group under the framework of “G77 and China”.