
Government Of Uganda Constructs Classrooms in Terego Under DRDIP With World Bank Funding

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The Ugandan government, in collaboration with the World Bank, has completed the construction of educational infrastructure in Terego district under the Development Response to Displacement Impact Project (DRDIP). State Minister Obiga Mario Kania handed over the newly constructed facilities at Ngaziku Primary School, which included a three-classroom block, an office, and the provision of furniture and stainless-steel tanks.

Some of the New Classroom Under DRDIP Projects In Terego

The government of Uganda through the Office of the Prime Minister with funding from the World Bank has constructed infrastructures in Terego district through Development Response to Displacement Impact Project (DRDIP) programme, a programme designed to address development needs in refugees hosting districts. State minister for lands in charge of urban development, Obiga Mario Kania handed over the facilities for use.

DRDIP is making a difference by constructing classroom blocks and offices, with plans for compound leveling and greening to meet GoU and World Bank standards.

Here at Ngaziku Primary School, DRDIP built a three-classroom block with an Office. The project also procured and delivered furniture, installed 10,000tr stainless steel tanks. You can see for yourself the aspect of safeguards through the green compound.


 through DRDIP is creating a difference in Addu Primary School, Terego district through infrastructure development and safeguards promotion. After completing the construction of these two blocks of four classrooms and an Office, the project will embark on compound leveling, greening to ensure compliance with safeguards standards of both GoU and the World Bank.

Did you also put energy as essential for learning e.g., grid or solar electricity for lighting and ICT, improved cookstoves if there is a feeding program, etc. These would give a wholesome quality learning environment.

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