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Government supports Lyantonde Farmers with shs 223M Irrigation System Investment

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The government has installed irrigation systems for several farmers in Lyantonde through the Micro-Scale Irrigation program, aiming to boost agricultural production and promote commercial farming in the area yesterday 20th June 2024.

Lyantonde district officials led by RDC Mr. Godfrey Mbetegyerezi, Ntimba Edmond (CAO) and Mr Fred Muhangi (Lc V chairperson) commissioning drug horse irrigation system in Kinuuka at the coffee and banana plantation of Buheija Hannington.

In an effort to increase agricultural output and encourage commercial farming in the region, the government has installed irrigation systems for a number of farmers in Lyantonde through the Micro-Scale Irrigation programme.

Lyantonde district lies in the cattle corridor and is prone to drought and water shortages during dry season which affects production in both crop and livestock production.

Beneficiaries, including Mr Barigye Said from Lyantonde rural, Mr. Tukamuhabwa Yosam from Kaliro sub-county, Mr. Bernard Aryeija from Mpumudde sub-county , Mr. Frank Abaho from Mpummude sub-county , and Mr. Busheija Hanington Kanimi from Kinuuka Sub-County, Ben Kavuya from Kaliro sub county , Baingana Stephen from Kasagama sub –county, Ambrose Mutafungwa from Lyantonde sub county , Henry Nganwa from Lyakajura sub-county received the irrigation systems, which include irrigation pumps, solar panels, pipes, and water tanks, at a cost of Shs 20-25M each. The government contributed Shs 18-15M towards each system, depending on the cost, while the farmers contributed the remaining amount.

The program is a co-funding one where the government contributes 75 percent and the farmer contributes 25 percent.

According to Eng Paddy Ainebyona, the program technical person Lyantonde district, emphasized the importance of farmers taking responsibility for the installed systems and protecting them from theft and damage. “Farmers should first possess a sense of belonging and own the installed systems by jealously protecting them from any harm or destruction,” he said.

According to Mr. Keneth Twesigomwe, the Lyantonde district production officer, noted that the government has already invested Shs 223M in the district through the Micro-Scale Irrigation program.

“We have already installed 10 irrigation systems for farmers who applied for them and next financial year more farmers will be enrolled when they will show interest,” he said.

The District Chairperson, Mr. Fred Muhangi, commended the production department for a job well done and tasked leaders to continue campaigning to transform farmers

While commissioning the projects, the Resident District Commissioner (RDC) of Lyantonde district, Mr. Godfrey Mbetegerize, urged the beneficiaries to open their doors to other farmers to learn from their experiences. “We appeal to farmers who have already benefited from this program to engage in commercial farming and encourage other farmers who have not joined to join, so as to increase production,” he said.

The RDC highlighted that the government is employing deliberate interventions to allow all people at all levels to access cheap capital to improve production, including Emyooga, Parish Development Model, Agriculture loan facility, Youth livelihood fund, and other programs like the Micro-Scale Irrigation Scheme.

The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of Lyantonde, Mr. Ntimba Edmond, emphasized the importance of embracing commercial farming using the government’s micro-scale irrigation scheme. “The beneficiaries will no longer wait for seasons, as with water available, one can plant even during the dry season and harvest,” he said, urging farmers to use irrigation to fight poverty and hunger.

The District Chairperson, Mr. Fred Muhangi, commended the production department for a job well done and tasked leaders to continue campaigning to transform farmers from working for the stomach to commercial farming. “There is no one who will transform our people if we don’t take responsibility as leaders, but also I challenge leaders to be exemplary by taking part in such programs if they are eligible,” he said.

The Micro-Scale Irrigation Program is part of the government’s efforts to support farmers in the region and improve agricultural productivity. The program is led by the Department of Agricultural Infrastructure Mechanization and Water for Agricultural Production of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry, and Fisheries (MAAIF) and is supported by the World Bank through the Uganda Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfer Program (UgIFT). The program aligns with Uganda’s National Irrigation Policy, which aims to create 1.5 million hectares of irrigated land by 2040.

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