
Innovations in Water and Wastewater Management: NWSC’s Remarkable Journey

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The National Water and Sewerage Corporation’s significant efforts in environmental sustainability and responsible resource management. NWSC’s monumental projects, strategic approaches to high tariffs and billing modes, expansion plans, and efforts to manage existing debts.

Managing Director of NWSC Dr. Eng Silver Mugisha

In a significant step towards enhancing environmental sustainability and responsible resource management, the National Water and Sewerage Corporation recently convened a productive meeting with the Parliamentary Committee on Environment and Natural Resources. This collaborative endeavour seeks to address pressing concerns, explore avenues for improvement, and ensure that the delivery of clean water and proper wastewater management remains aligned with the principles of environmental stewardship.

In a historic stride towards bolstering environmental sustainability and safeguarding public health, the members of the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources undertook a visit to the Nakivubo Wastewater Treatment Plant. This visit not only represents a pivotal moment for the Corporation but also serves as a remarkable testament to NWSC’s commitment to responsible wastewater management and the preservation of ecological equilibrium.

The Nakivubo Wastewater Treatment Plant stands as a monumental project for NWSC, underscoring the Corporation’s dedication to improving environmental conditions and safeguarding public health. As the largest wastewater treatment facility within the East African Community, these installations bear the significant responsibility of setting new benchmarks.

In a resounding endorsement of environmental responsibility and innovative infrastructure, the Members of Parliament on the Environment and Natural Resources Committee united to commend the National Water and Sewerage Corporation for its remarkable Sewerage Treatment Plant.

Subsequently, the Managing Director of the National Water and Sewerage Corporation delivered a presentation at IREC for the esteemed Members of the Parliamentary Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, following their visit to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The purpose of this presentation was to address and deliberate on key issues raised by the committee.

The Members of Parliament on the Environment and Natural Resources Committee at the NWSC offices

In a proactive response to the concerns voiced by the Members of Parliament in the Natural Resources Committee, Dr. Eng Silver Mugisha provided a comprehensive overview addressing multifaceted issues, including high tariffs and billing methods, service expansion, financial stability, and staff deployment. This presentation serves as a testament to the Corporation’s unwavering commitment to fostering transparency, enhancing services, and achieving fiscal responsibility.

One of the primary concerns expressed by the Members of Parliament pertained to high tariffs and billing methods. In response, the Managing Director outlined measures taken to address this issue:

NWSC Tariff Structure: The Corporation has established a pricing system to bill customers for their water services, ensuring that it covers the costs of sourcing, treating, and distributing water while also maintaining and upgrading water infrastructure.

Tariff Indexation: NWSC is instituting a tariff indexation mechanism, enabling regular, small-scale adjustments to tariffs to align with inflation and operational costs.

To better comprehend the impact of tariffs on consumers, NWSC is conducting affordability analyses to assess the economic implications of water tariffs on various consumer groups, thus allowing for tailored solutions to address affordability concerns.

NWSC is committed to enhancing billing methods to ensure accuracy and transparency. The Corporation employs an internally developed Centralized Billing System for all its areas, streamlining billing processes, reducing errors, enhancing customer service, and improving revenue collection.

Secondly, the MD addressed the issue of the demand for expanded services. Recognizing the rapid population growth and increased demand for clean water services in new towns and urban centers, Dr. Silver acknowledged this demand and formulated a comprehensive plan to ensure these areas have access to safe and reliable water services.

NWSC is actively harnessing its internally generated resources to fund system upgrades and expansion initiatives, reinvesting revenue from new water connections and PSPs into infrastructure development and service enhancements. This financial efficiency ensures effective utilization of funds for expansion projects.

NWSC is exploring opportunities in the financial market to secure funds for expansion, which may involve accessing loans or bonds to support capital-intensive projects through engagement with financial institutions and investors.

The Corporation collaborates with the government to access financial support for expansion initiatives, including grants, subsidies, or dedicated budget allocations to promote water infrastructure development.

To leverage external resources, NWSC engages with international development agencies, bilateral donors, and financial institutions that provide loans or grants for water infrastructure projects, complementing the Corporation’s resources to enable ambitious expansion plans.

The third issue presented by the Committee on Natural Resources pertained to the Corporation’s Financial Position and Debt Management, where the MD provided an overview of the Corporation’s current financial position, debts owed, and debts outstanding. Dr. Silver emphasized the Corporation’s commitment to maintaining a fiscally responsible approach to ensure long-term financial stability, outlining NWSC’s strategies for managing existing debts, working to reduce them over time, and avoiding further financial strain.

Lastly, the MD addressed the critical issue of staff deployment within the Corporation. Staff deployment plays a pivotal role in ensuring the efficient and effective delivery of services, and NWSC has formulated a strategic approach to this matter. The Corporation has implemented various strategic approaches aimed at improving staff deployment, enhancing skills and expertise, maintaining operational flexibility, delivering top-notch customer service, ensuring optimal resource allocation, and facilitating performance appraisal.

In the spirit of transparency and accountability, the Managing Director of NWSC reaffirmed the Corporation’s commitment to resolving gratuity arrears in a timely manner, with the goal of ensuring that gratuity payments do not accumulate beyond a six-month period. This commitment aligns with the Corporation’s dedication to staff welfare and responsible financial management.

In a resounding display of appreciation and support, Members of Parliament applauded the National Water and Sewerage Corporation for its proactive efforts in addressing the issue of unpaid government bills. NWSC’s initiative to tackle this challenge through dedicated projects has garnered recognition and commendation from the country’s legislative body.

Unpaid government bills have long been a pressing issue for the Corporation, straining its finances and impacting its ability to provide essential services. In a strong commitment to advancing the National Water and Sewerage Corporation and enhancing its mission to provide clean water and sanitation services, Members of Parliament have pledged their support, including an increase in the Corporation’s budget and assistance in resolving the challenge of unpaid government bills.

The MPs’ applause for NWSC’s projects to address unpaid government bills signifies a collaborative effort to resolve a critical issue that impacts both the Corporation and the government. NWSC’s commitment to fiscal responsibility, service continuity, accountability, and economic stability through these initiatives exemplifies its dedication to the welfare of the Ugandan people and the responsible management of water resources, setting a commendable precedent for other utilities and demonstrating the power of cooperation in addressing financial challenges.

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