
It’s time we start building sports facilities- President Museveni

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President Yoweri Museveni has said the government is now going to focus on building stadiums and training facilities in order to promote sports in the country during the commencement of the Men’s Cricket World Cup Trophy Tour in Uganda.

Vice President Maj. Jessica Alupo addressing officials at State House Entebbe

At the start of the Men’s Cricket World Cup Trophytour in Uganda, President Yoweri Museveni declared that the government is now going to concentrate on building stadiums and training facilities in order to encourage sports in the nation.

The head of State says sports are good for fitness, fighting diseases and tourism.

Museveni made the remarks through the Vice President Maj. Jessica Alupo who represented him during the commencement of the Men’s Cricket World Cup Trophy Tour in Uganda yesterday 27th August 2023 at State House-Entebbe. This trophy tour precedes the commencement of the Cricket World Cup tournament in India.

He said that since 1986, the NRM government has been struggling with economic recovery, expansion, diversification, and transformation.

“Given the low base from which we started, we had not paid sufficient attention to sports. However, now that we have registered significant improvements, in the economy, it is time to focus on building more stadiums and training facilities, across the country. The benefits of sports are many” he said outlining some of the benefits of sports including fitness; it helps one to fight against diseases that are associated with sedentary lifestyles; it is good for entertainment and tourism.

The Commander in Chief welcomed International Cricket Council (ICC) officials into the country saying Ugandans are pleased to associate with this great sports event.

“This groundbreaking journey reflects Uganda’s incredible progress in the cricket field, with significant consequences echoing across cultural and geographical divisions,” said Musali.

While acknowledging that Uganda might not be a contender in the upcoming cricket World Cup, Musali emphasized the evident passion for the sport in the country. The Trophy will remain in Uganda for four days before proceeding to Nigeria and South Africa.

VP Alupo in a group photo with officials at State House

“It is my firm belief that in the coming years, Uganda must be able to compete at the Cricket World Cup. We cannot be contented with remaining as spectators. Uganda has produced a number of outstanding sportsmen and sportswomen in Athletics, Boxing, Football, etc. We shall continue to support our young people to hoist Uganda’s flag, at great sports events” he said.

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