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Judiciary’s Commitment to Justice Sector Enhancement

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The Chief Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny-Dollo presided over a meeting emphasizing the crucial role of a robust justice system in promoting the rule of law and supporting sustainable development, with a focus on partnership and commitment to enhancing Uganda’s justice sector.

The Chief Justice, Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny-Dollo (middle) presiding over a Joint High-Level Stakeholders Meeting of the key players in the Justice System on 22nd February 2024 in Kampala

On Thursday, February 22, 2024, the esteemed Chief Justice, Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny-Dollo, presided over a collaborative high-level stakeholder gathering comprising key figures within the justice system.

Facilitated by the Justice Sector Development Partners’ Group, in conjunction with the Austrian Development Cooperation Office and the International Development Law Organization (IDLO), the roundtable meeting was convened at the behest of both the Chief Justice and the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Norbert Mao.

Joint High-Level Stakeholders Meeting of the key players in the Justice System

This assembly convened heads of missions and justice institutions to deliberate on the pivotal role of a functional and supportive justice system.

Representing the Austrian Development Cooperation was Dr. Katja Kerschbaumer, serving as its Head of Office.

These esteemed participants assert that the justice sector serves as a linchpin in upholding the rule of law and acts as a facilitator for the sustainable advancement of various sectors.

Consequently, they emphasize the indispensability of a well-functioning justice system in instilling confidence among both local and international investors regarding the protection of their investments and the equitable resolution of commercial disputes.

The outcomes of this gathering, held at Mestil Hotel in Kampala, underscored the steadfast commitment of the Government of Uganda and Development Partners to fostering a robust partnership and pursuing their collective objective of fortifying the Justice Sector.

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