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Kabaka Mutebi II Presides Over Buganda Masaza Cup Opening as Mawokota Triumphs Over Busiro

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Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II, presided over the opening game of the 19th Buganda Masaza Cup at Mutesa II Stadium in Wankulukuku which began play on Saturday, June 24, 2023, the tournament will run from late June to early September 2023.

Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II signing on the ball at the Masaza Cup 2023 Opening Game.

Mawokota defeated Busiro in the official first match of the 2023 Buganda Masaza Cup winning 3-1. Fans continue to root for their respective teams to win the tournament, and they can be sure that it will keep them on their toes.

As before, the tournament will have the 18 counties of Buganda Kingdom pooled into three groups to participate in the games. These counties include; Busiro, Ggomba, Mawokota, Ssese, Mawogola, and Kabula who are in the Muganzirwazza group, The Masengere group comprises of Buddu, Buweekula, Kyaggwe, Kyaddondo, Buluuli, and Kkooki. The final group, Bulange has Ssingo, Bulemeezi, Buvuma, Bugerere, and Busujju counties.

Masaza Cup 2023 Opening Game

Sporting events like the Masaza Cup provide a fantastic venue for bringing individuals from all backgrounds together for the love of the game while also serving as a platform to educate the public on societal concerns that have an impact on local communities. The topic for this year’s event is “Men in the fight against HIV/AIDS to save the girl child.” which will further boost the Presidential Fast-Track Initiative (PFTI) to end AIDS as a public health threat in Uganda by 2030.

Airtel Uganda’s PR Manager David Birungi, said, “As the tournaments official sponsors and in line with our new tagline- A Reason to Imagine we hope to give the players a platform to showcase their talent, football lovers and enthusiasts an opportunity to socialize as well as engage in business, among other activities on and off the pitch that enable socio-economic growth.”

He added, “We thank Buganda Kingdom for religiously ensuring that the Masaza Cup Tournament is hosted annually year since its inception, and we promise to constantly support such initiatives where talent is nurtured, as well empowering the youth to use the platform to become the best talent in the football world or any other field they are passionate about.”

Busiro Vs Mawokota match.

“Our brand promise as Airtel Uganda is to give the youth a reason to imagine and we will always participate in activities like Masaza Cup that enables us to fulfill our commitment among other initiatives in other fields like education, entertainment, agriculture, health among others that positively impact our communities and the country as a whole,” Birungi concluded.

Charles Peter Mayiga mentioned that “Airtel Uganda’s support towards Masaza Cup preparations over the years has been instrumental in enabling us to consistently host the tournaments over the years and I want to appreciate them for their commitment towards corporate social initiatives that improve the talents among the youth and the livelihoods of our people in general.”

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