
Kabaka’s 68th Birthday Run

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Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II flags off the runners at Lubiri Mengo on Sunday, 16th April 2023Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II flags off the runners at Lubiri Mengo on Sunday, 16th April 2023

It was unmeasured excitement at the main palace of Buganda Kingdom in Mengo, Kampala as the King Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II graced the 2023 charity birth run.

Thousands of runners at Lubiri during the 2023 Kabaka Birthday run 

Thousands of runners at Lubiri during the 2023 Kabaka Birthday run

As early as 5:00 AM, participants from all walks of life had thronged the Lubiri donned in the red Airtel branded vest kits on Sunday, 16th April 2023.

Despite the chilly weather conditions that followed the overnight rains in Kampala city and the surrounding areas, thousands of people braved the cold and mud to reach the Lubiri.

The Lubiri erupted when the King majestically arrived minutes after half past seven. Donned in sporty grey track suit, blueish shirt with an accompanying jacket and a maroon cap, the Kabaka waved to the masses with the trade-mark infectious smile.

Kabaka Mutebi II holds the Buganda Kingdom flag to see off the runners at Lubiri, Mengo  

Kabaka Mutebi II holds the Buganda Kingdom flag to see off the runners at Lubiri, Mengo

Musician Sir Mesach Ssemakula led the treasured Buganda national anthem as the crowed chorused every word of the anthem with vigour.

“I want to thank you for getting the time to grace this run amidst the rains” the Kabaka echoed as the crowd applauded.

The King hinted on the plans to transform the Kabaka Birthday run as one of the most adored runs not only in Africa, but the whole of the world.

“I have been informed that this run is one of the most prestigious ones in the whole world. I want us to be like New York, London, Zurich and other places in the world. I appeal to you to surge forward as we fight against HIV/AIDS. May God bless you all” He concluded

Top officials with Kabaka Mutebi II (third from left). I&M Bank Managing director Sam Ntulume is extreme left as Airtel MD Manosh is second from right

Top officials with Kabaka Mutebi II (third from left). I&M Bank Managing director Sam Ntulume is extreme left as Airtel MD Manosh is second from right


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