
Lango Zonal Presidential Industrial Hub Gears Up for Third Intake

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The Lango Presidential Zonal Industrial Hub at Lira University is enrolling 240 students for various trades in their third intake. They offer training in carpentry, hairdressing, tailoring, and more. The hub operates on a semester-based system, aiming to transition young individuals from job seekers to job producers. The third intake starts reporting on October 11.

Passing out of graduates at Lango Zonal Presidential early this year.

The Lango Presidential Zonal Industrial Hub hosted at Lira University in Lira City is enrolling another lot of 240 students.

The students are enrolled to receive training in a variety of trades, such as joinery, carpentry, hairdressing, and tailoring. Knitting, confectionary, architecture and construction, welding, and metal fabrication are among more short courses.

After 459 students finished their first and second training, this is the third intake. The training sessions are spaced out by six months.

Vicky Abura, the hub’s acting manager, received certificates for level one on September 26, 2023, after the first group of 220 learners had finished their training in January. This month’s second lot was made available on September 9.

President Yoweri Museveni pleaded with the government to set aside shillings 130 billion in 2020 for the building of 21 zonal industrial centers around the nation to improve youth skill development and training and lessen the young labor shortage.

Since then, the hub has functioned on semester modules, with two semesters each year, after which each student is given a diploma. The hub targeted underprivileged adolescents between the ages of 18 and 32.

The effort, according to Raymond Kamugisha, director of Presidential projects and hubs, intends to help unemployed youngsters make the shift from job seekers to job producers.  

The identification of the third beneficiary, according to Abura, has begun, and they are anticipated to begin reporting on October 11.

“We expect 21 students from each district including Lira city and Apac municipality,” Abura added.

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