Museveni Exhorts Judges in East Africa to use technology and fight corruption

President Yoweri Museveni has urged judges and magistrates in East Africa to unite in combating corruption within their judiciaries. Speaking at the East African Magistrates’ and Judges’ Association Conference in Uganda, Vice President Jessica Alupo emphasized the need for innovative solutions to tackle corruption and address outdated technology affecting the region’s justice systems.
Judges and magistrates in East Africa have been urged by President Yoweri Museveni to work together to eradicate corruption in the judiciaries of their respective regions.
Vice President Jessica Alupo emphasized the need for creative solutions to address corruption, outdated technology, and the drawn-out case processing process during her president’s speech at the East African Magistrates’ and Judges’ Association Conference.
The conference, which is taking place in Uganda right now, brings together judges and magistrates from East African countries to talk about and exchange best practices for developing a vibrant legal community in the area.
“President Museveni stressed in his message the need for an immediate battle against corruption that afflicts our region’s judicial systems. Additionally, he identified the gaps in technological innovation in the administration of justice throughout East Africa, according to Alupo.
President Museveni voiced concern about the corruption and antiquated technology that are obstructing justice.
The conference provides a forum for discussing these issues and identifying workable solutions to improve the efficacy and integrity of the judiciaries throughout East Africa.
Alfonse Owiny Dollo, Chief Justice, emphasized the necessity of addressing the backlog of cases.
“We implore regional governments to address the critical problems of backlogs in court cases, tight financial constraints, poor innovation, and a shortage of human resources. For our judicial systems to operate effectively, these issues must be resolved.”
The East African Magistrates and Judges Association president, Justice Eudes Ketirima, provided information about the objectives of the conference:
“The goal of the conference is to develop workable solutions to reduce the obstacles that the local judicial systems must overcome. We aim to establish a more efficient and adaptable legal framework by coordinating the best practices of East African judiciaries.”
The conference’s theme, “Harmonizing the Best Practices of Judiciaries in EA,” aims to promote cooperation and creativity.
Discussions are taking place to create plans to improve the effectiveness, openness, and accessibility of the legal systems in East Africa.
The goal of the conference is still to create a judicial system that is resistant to corruption, welcomes technological innovations, and ultimately works in the best interests of the people of East Africa.