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Muslims Tell Government to End Corruption

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Muslims countrywide thronged various mosques to mark Idd-al-Adhuha, with a call on the government to end corruption and called for peace, forgiveness and condemned violence. In insecure areas, the clerics called upon the government to take charge and guarantee the safety of Ugandans yesterday 16th June 2024

Muslims pray at Nakivubo Stadium during Idd-al-Adhuha celebrations in Kampala yesterday, 16th June 2024

To commemorate Idd-al-Adhuha, Muslims from all around the nation flocked to mosques, calling on the government to eradicate corruption and advocating for forgiveness, peace, and rejection of violence. On June 16, 2024, clergy in unstable areas demanded that the government assume responsibility and ensure Ugandans’ safety.

At Kibuli Mosque, Sheikh Hamidu Tamusuza, a guest speaker from Butambala District, condemned what he called the glaring cases of corruption, which he said continue to enrich a few greedy individuals at the expense of service delivery to the citizens.

Sheikh Hamidu Tamusuza preaching during the celebration of Prophet Muhammad’s birthday at Kibuli on October 18, 2021 .Photo by Ramadhan Abbey

Sheikh Hamidu Tamusuza at Kibuli Mosque. (photo credit: New vision)

“Corruption remains a vice that affects service delivery. It is unfortunate that the funds supposed to benefit all Ugandans end up in the pockets of the corrupt,’’ said Sheikh Tamusuza.

“We must find a permanent solution to this problem,” Sheikh Tamusuza added.

In Gulu City, where prayers were held at Gulu Public Primary School, the Muslim leaders under the Jamiah Mosque, said people in key positions should live a life equivalent to those around them, share with others, and stop embezzlement of public resources.

At Kibuli Mosque, Sheikh Hamidu Tamusuza, a guest speaker from Butambala District, condemned what he called the glaring cases of corruption, which he said continue to enrich a few greedy individuals at the expense of service delivery to the citizens.

“Corruption remains a vice that affects service delivery. It is unfortunate that the funds supposed to benefit all Ugandans end up in the pockets of the corrupt,’’ said Sheikh Tamusuza.

“We must find a permanent solution to this problem,” Sheikh Tamusuza added.

In Gulu City, where prayers were held at Gulu Public Primary School, the Muslim leaders under the Jamiah Mosque, said people in key positions should live a life equivalent to those around them, share with others, and stop embezzlement of public resources.

Sheikh Mahmood Ali, the sheikh for Gulu and Omoro, said with the rampant corruption, people are deprived of basic needs.

“We have people who cannot afford even a meal in a day, who cannot afford to put on a nice dress, but they are all people we lead. We should think about them,’’ Sheikh Ali said.

He added: “If we are amassing wealth through corruption and are forgetting about others, let us think about one thing: that we are all going to die and leave everything here.

“So, there is no reason why you should amass wealth through corruption and live a life that is not equivalent to the people around you and expect that you will go with it to your grave.’’

Sheikh Muzamil Ismael Mandela, the Acholi Muslim District khadi, emphasized the need for peaceful co-existence, forgiveness, and tolerance for community development, adding that these cut across every aspect of life, including families, communities, and workplaces.

“If you are not tolerant, that family can never survive. That is where we start exercising tolerance and peace,’’ he said.

In Mbale City, at Islamic University in Uganda where hundreds of Muslims gathered, they were urged to take care of the poor.

In Yumbe District, the chairperson of Barakala Town Council, Mr. Rasul Ijoga Mawa, reminded parents and the Muslim congregation gathered at Barakala Mosque to send their children back to school after the celebrations, saying, parents in the area have a negative attitude towards education.

Eid celebrations at the Islamic University in Uganda Main Campus Mbale.

“I want to remind you (the parents) that Idd-al-Adhuha celebration is only for today (Sunday) and there is no extension of the celebrations; so, from Monday, lessons will resume,” he said.

In Nebbi, the district police commander, Mr. Amisi Kayondo, called upon Muslims to adhere to the Iddi-al-Adhuha messages of love, peace and forgiveness to promote the wellbeing of each other.

In Moyo District, the LC5 chairperson, Mr. Williams Anyama, urged the Muslim community to embrace education as one of the pillars in socio-economic development.

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