
National Prayers a Uniting Factor for Ugandans – Museveni

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President Museveni said Uganda’s National Prayer Breakfast is a unifying event, inspired by a similar practice in the USA. The ceremony, held annually before Independence Day, aims to pray for the nation, its economy, and families, while giving thanks to God. President Museveni credited the concept to the US and praised the tradition for bringing together leaders of diverse backgrounds.

President Museveni, Maama Janet and H E Rachel Ruto first Lady of Kenya

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni described the annual National Prayer Breakfast as a uniting factor among Ugandans.

“In the USA they were doing exactly what we ought to do, the prayer breakfast brings together all people of different backgrounds. I like the approach because it was like our approach during our struggle,” the President said.

During the 25th National Prayer Breakfast, which was held at State House Entebbe with the theme “Fear not, repent, and serve the Lord,” the President made the revelation today.

The yearly ceremony, which occurs the night before Uganda celebrates its Independence Day (9 October), is intended to pray for the nation, the economy, and families as well as to give thanks to God for his provision, protection, and guidance for Ugandans. Additionally, it marks the promulgation of Uganda’s 1995 Constitution.

When he first visited the nation with Maama Janet Museveni, President Museveni admitted that he stole the concept from the United States of America. He commended the Parliament for preserving the tradition of prayer breakfasts. He claimed that the prayer united various leaders in the USA who prayed for their country.

“In the 1960s I was a very active church member; I was the president of the Scripture Union from 1961 to 1965 but along the way, we started disagreeing in the union; one of the reasons was that they were not practicing what Jesus told us to do because Jesus told you clearly to love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as you love yourself,” President Museveni said.

“The problem we were having here was the sectarianism of religion; Christians against Muslims, I said what kind of religious people are these? With NRM doctrine it’s a Christian doctrine we despise sectarianism. Jesus said we shall see them by their fruits. They were misleading our people,” he added.

Further praising the nation’s religious leaders for adopting the National Resistance Movement’s (government) idea of unification, President Museveni said that they had formed the Inter-Religious Council of Uganda (IRCU), which brings people of all faiths together for a common cause.

“This Inter-sectoral approach has helped us a lot, Uganda was a failed state but because these people listened to our message, they decided to go for the needs of our people, not their identity. There are still some people who still push that nonsense but fortunately, that is why you see whenever we go to the general elections, we win in the first round because people listened to our message,” he emphasised.

“This message of Jesus is very important- Judge people by their actions, not by their identity and I tell you to stop thinking of politics of identity. That is why I like the prayer breakfast culture; it is a prayer of unity in diversity.”

Maama Janet Museveni, the first lady of Uganda and minister of education and sports, thanked God for the benefits He has given upon the nation during her prayer for it.

“We thank you for the growing spirit of unity we see in Uganda and the region at large. We appreciate our President for his steady leadership. We used our President to stand against the immense pressure from the Western world when Uganda signed the Anti-Homosexuality bill into law,” Maama Janet said in the prayer.

“We are grateful for the safety and tranquility we have in Uganda. We appreciate all the great guys in the UPDF who have given so much so that we can enjoy the peace we do today, she continued.

The First Lady urged repentance among Ugandans as well, pointing out that an act need not be indicative of wrongdoing but rather of a shift in perspective.

“May we rekindle our commitment to honesty. We must act on what we say, not just speak about it, she said.

The First Lady of Kenya, Her Excellency, Rachel Ruto, used the occasion to express gratitude to God for allowing Uganda to host the 25th National Prayer Breakfast and to reassure believers that God hears their prayers if they keep praying.

the leader and the First Lady who has continued to show us an example of a God-fearing Country.”

He also expressed his congratulations to Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania for obtaining the right to host the 2027 African Cup of Nations Pamoja, noting that the event would boost their economies and the East African Federation.

The guest speaker, Congressman Tim Walberg, who has served as Michigan’s 5th congressional district’s U.S. representative since 2023, began by congratulating the President and First Lady on their 50th wed “Your Excellency and First Lady Janet, it’s so good to see you, I always pray for you. For 81 years, the US has been holding the National Prayer Breakfast; the Republicans and Democrats come together and pray to God,” he said. Ding anniversary and praising them for upholding traditional family values.

Additionally, Congressman Walberg urged believers to uphold the principles God established and resist being persuaded to engage in immoral behavior.

“Leave the worthless and pursue the valuable. In the United States, more than 62 million innocent infants have been aborted, and now we’re encouraging it more in the name of healthcare. That is pointless; why do we ruin lives? Those in positions of power should repent, he said.

“The World Bank and US administration advise you to pursue the useless, but do not listen to them or what they may think; instead, move on. You’ll be saved and delivered by God.

he vices chancellor of the University of Christocracy in New York and another guest speaker, Archbishop Dr. Joseph A. Alexander, encouraged the congregation to put their trust in God and not to be afraid.

“Do not be afraid; the enemy’s weapon devised against you will fail. Serve the Lord by doing it, not simply talking about it, according to Archbishop Alexander.

Additionally, the Archbishop gave President Museveni the assurance that God is with him, which is why he has been able to lead the wonderful country of Uganda so admirably.

“A repentant heart allows us not to overlook the truth that God is the one who has kept us, he continued, emphasizing the need of repentance. serve the Lord and create room for service.”

A different system of government centered on the Lord, Christocracy, was also suggested by Archbishop Alexander.

He clarified that a Christocracy is when Christ’s legitimate and true representatives rule the world to end the suffering of billions of people and grant God’s will to those who have endured and are still waiting.

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