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NEMA Introduces ELMIS for Streamlined Environmental Licensing

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The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) in Uganda has introduced the Environment License Management Information System (ELMIS) to enhance and streamline environmental licensingmarking a significant step toward sustainable development and efficient environmental stewardship.

The acting NEMA Executive Director, Mr Francis Ogwal

The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has introduced the Environment License Management Information System (ELMIS) in a bid to usher in a new era of streamlined and efficient environmental licensing.

The system is said to mark a significant milestone in NEMA’s commitment to sustainable development and environmental stewardship.

The ELMIS was introduced during a two-day training event at the Uganda Management Institute (UMI) from November 2nd to 3rd, 2023.

The event not only highlighted the innovative capabilities of the system but also underlined NEMA’s dedication to leveraging technology for the betterment of the environment and society.

Francis Ogwal, the Acting Executive Director of NEMA, stated that the system will revolutionize environmental licensing, promote sustainable development, and safeguard natural resources.

“The introduction of this system is a testament to our dedication to leveraging technology for the betterment of our environment and society as a whole.” Ogwang affirmed.

The training program targeted all registered environmental practitioners in Uganda, covering various modules. The modules included e-licensing for environmental practitioners, project briefs, Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) e-certifications, and online payment for NEMA services.

Environmental practitioners and consultants welcomed the system with open arms, expressing hope that it will resolve previous delays and significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of environmental management practices in the country.

About ELMIS and what it does

Online submission of project briefs and reports: ELMIS eliminates the need for physical paperwork, reducing administrative burdens, and enabling a seamless submission process for Project Briefs (PB), Terms of Reference (ToRs), and ESIA reports.

Project review and Capability. It enables a thorough evaluation and assessment of proposed projects, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations and standards.

The system allows for seamless submission of comments from the lead agency, facilitating effective collaboration and communication among stakeholders involved in the licensing process.

Efficient certificate issuance: ELMIS streamlines the issuance of ESIA certificates, including options for cancellation, surrender, and transfer, ensuring accurate documentation and record-keeping.

Licence Application management: It empowers practitioners with the ability to easily manage licenses, enabling hassle-free renewals or cancellations while ensuring compliance with professional standards.

Online payment Function: This includes the generation of invoices and integration with the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) system, simplifying financial transactions and ensuring a secure and streamlined payment process.

Email Notifications: ELMIS keeps assigned project personnel informed of their responsibilities and tasks, ensuring timely and effective project management. It also provides regular updates to developers on the status of their projects, fostering transparency and maintaining open lines of communication.

Customized Reports: ELMIS allows for the generation of customized reports, empowering decision-makers with comprehensive and tailored insights, facilitating informed choices and strategic planning.

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