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NRM Secretary General Richard Todwong Advocates Patriotism Among Acholi Youth and Church

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Richard Todwong, NRM Secretary General, urges Acholi youth and the Catholic Church to support government programs for poverty alleviation during a youth celebration event in Omoro district.

National Resistance Movement (NRM) Secretary General, Richard Todwong, has called upon the Catholic Church and the youth in Acholi to uphold patriotism and endorse governmental initiatives aimed at alleviating poverty.

Todwong emphasized that through supporting government programs, the youth can uplift themselves from poverty, fostering self-employment opportunities that consequently contribute to the growth of the Church.

During the Gulu Catholic Archdiocese International Youth Day celebrations held at Saint Joseph’s the Worker Minakulu Bobi parish in Omoro district on March 24, 2024, Todwong, as the chief guest, underscored the importance of youth involvement in programs such as the Youth Livelihood Program, Emyooga, and the Parish Development Model to facilitate transformative change in their lives.

He extended gratitude to Gulu Archdiocese for its collaborative efforts with the Government and assured continued support from the NRM administration towards alleviating poverty within the Church community.

Monsignor Mathew Odong, representing Archbishop Emeritus John Baptist Odamat, urged the youth to emulate the exemplary life of Jesus Christ and shun wrongdoing, emphasizing their pivotal role as the future of the nation.

Echoing similar sentiments, Reverend Fr. David Okello Opiro, the diocesan youth chaplain of Gulu Archdiocese, appealed to the Government to prioritize youth employment and vocational training to foster self-reliance and national development.

Fr. Anthony Nyeko of Minakulu Bobi parish urged the youth to reconsider their approach to agriculture, advocating for the cultivation of vegetables to generate household income.

State Minister of Primary Education, Dr. Joyce Moriku Kaducu, highlighted the government’s commitment to poverty eradication and wealth creation, emphasizing the importance of financial empowerment within households to support church activities.

Omoro District Woman Member of Parliament, Catherine Lamwaka, encouraged youth participation in community development through active engagement with government initiatives, while advocating for support from the government in providing mechanized farming equipment to enhance livelihoods.

Similarly, Tochi County Member of Parliament, Peter Okot, urged youth to embrace innovation and self-reliance, emphasizing the importance of proactive measures in achieving personal growth and success.

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