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Overall EACRF Commander Hails UPDF For Job Well Done In DRC

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The East African Community Regional Force Commander Major General Aphaxard Kiugu has commended the UPDF contingent in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo for the good discipline, commitment, and resilience they maintained in mission evidenced during their routine activities in the course of executing the EACRF mandateduring his last command visit to the UPDF at its tactical contingent headquarters in Niongera Kiwanja of Rutshuru territory to bid farewell to the contingent troops.

The East African Community Regional Force Commander Major General Aphaxard Kiugu speaking to UPDF soldiers in DR Congo

During his recent command visit to the UPDF at its tactical contingent headquarters in Niongera Kiwanja of Rutshuru territory, Major General Aphaxard Kiugu, the Regional Force Commander of the East African Community, praised the UPDF contingent in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. He commended their exemplary discipline, dedication, and resilience, which were evident in their routine activities while carrying out the EACRF mandate. The visit also served as an opportunity for Major General Aphaxard Kiugu to bid farewell to the contingent troops.

“The performance of the Ugandan Contingent has given me full satisfaction that UPDF is comprised of professional and deployable men who can deliver because it managed to restore normalcy in its area of responsibility by enabling reproportion of the local populace, protecting their lives and property and aiding the functioning of the humanitarian aid workers,” said Maj Gen Kiugu.

Maj Gen Kiugu made the remarks during his last command visit to the UPDF at its tactical contingent headquarters in Niongera Kiwanja of Rutshuru territory to bid farewell to the contingent troops and to check on the progress of the withdraw of UPDF out of DRC.

“I have therefore come for my last visit to UGACON and to also see you before you exit out of the mission area,” said Maj Gen Kiugu.

He added that he will be the last person to leave DRC after confirming the complete withdraw of the Ugandan contingent.

The force commander said that the level of cooperation witnessed among the EACRF Forces was a clear exhibition that the forces can operate within East Africa.

Maj Gen Kiugu lauded the Ugandan contingent commander, Colonel Michael Walaka Hyeroba for exhibiting good leadership and management of his troops during the execution of EACRF mandate.

Col Hyeroba thanked the force commander and the entire force headquarters team for the guidance, timely support and cooperation have accorded to the UPDF Contingent during its routine military activities during the mission.

He applauded the people of Rutshuru territory for welcoming, supporting and working very closely with the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces Contingent in trying to find lasting peace their area.

Maj Gen Kiugu later visited Uganda Contingent’s Amani (Peace) forest measuring four hectares in Niongera Kiwanja and a planting a tree a remembrance before his departure to Goma.

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