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Parliament Approves Budget Increase for UPDF Lower-Ranking Soldiers’ Salaries

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The Parliament of Uganda has approved a budget of Shs 962.23 billion to increase salaries for lower-ranking soldiers in the UPDF, with significant raises across various ranks proposed.

The Parliament has ratified a budget of Shs 962.23 billion aimed at augmenting the salaries of lower-ranking soldiers. This decision, articulated by Wilson Kajwengye, the Chairperson of the Defence Committee of Parliament, was deliberated upon during the session where the house reviewed the ministerial policy statement on defense this past week.

According to the new salary framework, private officers will witness an increment in their monthly remuneration from the current Shs 485,279 to Shs 828,426. Similarly, sergeants are slated to receive a raise from Shs 514,175 to Shs 1,387,992, while warrant officers’ class 1 will experience an escalation from Shs 591,715 to Shs 2,096,800. Captains are set to observe an elevation in their salaries from Shs 845,638 to Shs 2,736,333.

Kajwengye remarked, “The Committee, therefore, recommends that salary enhancement for the lower cadre staff of the UPDF and recruitment be prioritized and that the Ministry of Finance provide an additional allocation to the wage bill of Shs 962.23 billion in the financial year 2024/2025.”

The proposition garnered extensive endorsement from Members, who lauded it as a much-needed acknowledgment of the sacrifices and commitment of UPDF officers in ensuring national security.

It’s worth noting that in 2022, UPDF elevated salaries for Generals, Colonels, and Majors, with four-star Generals now earning Shs 15 million per month.

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