Polish Company Meets Museveni to Build Drone Factory in Uganda

President Museveni on Monday 16th October 2023 met with Polish businessman Mariusz Lwanski, Chairman of Prometheus, to discuss establishing a drone manufacturing center in Uganda. Lwanski outlined the potential uses of drones, emphasizing security and various applications. President Museveni pledged support for this initiative.

President Museveni has met a Polish businessman interested in manufacturing drones in Uganda.
On Monday, a meeting with Mr. Mariusz Lwanski, Chairman of Prometheus, took place at State House in Entebbe.
The previous United Nations Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative for Uganda, Ambassador Rosa Malango, accompanied Mr. Lwanski.
Malango is currently the chair of the Tumaini African Knowledge Centre (TAKC), and she has invited potential investors to Uganda on multiple occasions so they can see President Museveni.
The director of Prometheus, Mr. Alex Szkaradek, was one of the other members of the delegation.
Mr. Lwanski informed President Museveni of their desire to establish a centre for the production of cutting-edge technology systems, such as drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
He noted that the drones can be used for security purposes.
“The special drones that fly in all conditions can also be used among other things for monitoring and the inspection of forests, critical infrastructure, life rescue, fire services, fishing in the water bodies as well as in agriculture,” Mr. Lwanski revealed.

“We want to make Uganda a hub in the region and Africa for the manufacture of this modern high technology equipment,” he added.
President Museveni welcomed the investor to Uganda and pledged to support the plan.
However, the Polish business was founded in 2019 and is not well known for having a lot of experience producing drones.
It is yet unknown why the company, which has not yet exported any UAVs from Poland, is so keen on setting up shop in Uganda.
The H2 Prometheus UAV Hybrid Drone Platform TM, according to Prometheus’ website, is being manufactured fully in the company’s facility on the Okcie AIRBUS campus in Warsaw, Poland.
The business withholds information about any recent collaborations it has formed.
“To build high-quality, innovative drone solutions for professional applications in areas of security, asset inspection, and digital technology,” according to Prometheus, is the company’s stated objective.
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are becoming increasingly widely used as a result of their improved ability to do remote sensing, remote monitoring, courier delivery, medical supply delivery, and a variety of other functions.
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS), or unmanned aerial systems, typically include an aircraft without a pilot, a remote pilot station, a command-and-control link, and a payload tailored to the intended application or operation.
UAS utilizes radio communications for control and payload communication and incorporates wireless equipment as a result.
Uganda maintains strict regulations on the use of drones.
As a result, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) must enforce the 2020 No. 23 “the Civil Aviation Authority (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) Regulations, 2020” statutory instruments that govern drone use in Uganda.
Anyone planning to use a drone in Uganda must register with the CAA first.
In order to avoid any potential risk of damaging interference to other legally licenced radio communications systems, the use of drones—whether recreational, commercial, or otherwise—must also adhere to the Uganda Communications Commission’s standards for the particular radio frequency spectrum usage.
The Chief of Defence Forces (CDF), Gen. Wilson Mbasu Mbadi, and TAKC Board Member, Ms. Rose Birungi, among other authorities, attended the Entebbe State House meeting.