President Museveni commends Buganda Kingdom for promoting social, Economic ties with the central Government

President Yoweri Museveni commended the Buganda Kingdom for its support in implementing government measures to combat poverty and generate wealth. He acknowledged the kingdom’s historical ties with the central government and its current leadership’s commitment to maintaining a strong relationship. The President highlighted the Buganda Kingdom’s contribution to Uganda’s social and economic development.

President Yoweri Museveni praised the Buganda Kingdom for supporting the government’s measures to combat poverty and generate wealth, such as the Parish Development Model (PDM), Presidential Zonal Industrial Hubs, and Emyooga.
The President revealed that the former Kabaka of Buganda, Sir Edward Muteesa II, was his very good friend and he was pleased to note that even the current kingdom leadership has maintained the good and strong ties with the central government during his remarks at the ceremony shortly after commissioning the Presidential Skilling Industrial Hub for Greater Masaka sub-region at Ndegeya Village in Masaka city today.
He stated that by participating in the efforts of the Central government to reform the nation socially and economically the kingdom has made a significant contribution to the growth of Uganda.
The President also expressed his gratitude to Owek. Charles Peter Mayiga, the Katikkiro of Buganda, for his recent physical presence at the government’s announcement of the Presidential Industrial Hub in Masaka, saying it was a step in the right direction for encouraging wealth creation in the nation.

The President also urged Ugandans to support his free education policy, which he began in 1996, by claiming that the ongoing extortion of tuition and other school fees in government schools not only made studying more difficult but also kept many people from pursuing an education. He expressed dismay that government officials do little to stop government schools from extorting money from kids.
“The challenge here are the people we work with in the government (District Officials, Members of Parliament etc,) that are sabotaging our programs. What I’m doing here, we already started it a long time ago to have children of the poor study for free,” the President said.
The Greater Masaka Industrial Skilling Center, one of 19 nationwide, provides youngsters ages 18 to 35 from the nine (9) districts that make up the greater Masaka subregion and Masaka city with free vocational training.
Tailoring, hairdressing, bricklaying, carpentry and joinery, craftsmanship, metal fabrication, food processing, and baking are just a few of the courses that are available. Trainees who successfully complete the program are awarded a Level One Certificate of Uganda Vocational Qualifications by the Ministry of Education and sports and Directorate of Industrial Training and are ready to be self-employed.
“I want to show these people that it’s very possible for government to support children of the poor to study, get what to do and sustain themselves,” H.E Museveni said, adding that “What we are doing here is what should have been done in the primary schools of the government and the secondary schools,” he emphasized.
The government will once again promote the policy of having public elementary schools in every parish and public secondary schools in every sub-county nationwide, the President told the audience.
“What we want is to make education affordable,” H.E Museveni said.
He praised Ms. Lucy Nakyobe, the former State House Comptroller, for starting the Presidential skilling hubs and Ms. Jane Barekye, the current one, for making great progress and maintaining the fire. He added that more vocational courses, like leather technology for kids to learn how to make shoes, car seat covers, etc., will be included over time.
“I want our children to manufacture what Uganda has been importing. We are jobless because we give out jobs to the foreigners, H.E Museveni said, adding that plans are underway to increase the number of children per intake from the current 204.

The State House Comptroller, Ms. Barekye, said to the crowd that the goal of the skilling centres is to, among other things, end youth unemployment and alter the economic status of those who never had the opportunity to pursue formal education. She continued by saying that graduates should continue to have a“They can still come here, make their carpentry and welding work (beds, doors, widows) etc., and sell them anywhere without paying rent or power costs,” Ms. Barekye noted.ccess to the skilling center in the meantime, particularly if they find employment possibilities.
She asked the business community to employ their learners once they graduate.
“Because they will come to you looking for jobs, since you’ve seen how we train them properly, please be ready to give them jobs,” Ms. Barekye said.
The Vice President Maj. (Rtd). Jessica Alupo Rose Epel thanked President Museveni for the initiative to establish 19 Industrial hubs across the country and congratulated him upon commissioning the one of Greater Masaka.
She called upon the people of Greater Masaka to develop the capacity of their companies to the level where they can handle big contracts from the government.