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President Museveni Commends Equal Opportunities Commission’s Efforts in Annual Report Presentation

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President Yoweri Museveni met with the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) delegation, led by Chairperson Safia Nalule Juuko, to discuss the Annual Report on the State of Equal Opportunities in Uganda for 2021/22 and 2022/23. While commending the commission for their report, President Museveni emphasized the crucial areas of peace, security, mass support for health and education, and wealth creation.

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in a group photo with Equal Opportunity Commission officials after receiving the Annual report on the State of Equal Opportunity in Uganda FY2022/2023 at the State House Entebbe on the 21st of November 2023

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has met and held discussions with a delegation from the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) led by the commission Chairperson, Ms. Safia Nalule Juuko at State House Entebbe.

During the meeting, the delegation presented an Annual Report on the State of Equal Opportunities in Uganda 2021/22 and 2022/23, in accordance with section 24-2 of the Equal Opportunities Commission Act and in line with article 32 of the Constitution of Uganda.

“It is also in line with your Presidential directives which you gave to us where you said that without fail, we have to produce an annual report on the state of equal opportunities in Uganda every year,” Ms. Nalule said.

President Museveni commended the commission for coming up with a good report but urged them to always emphasise crucial areas such as ensuring peace and security in Uganda, explaining that if a country has no security, the marginalised groups suffer even more because the rich people can go outside the country and then come back when things are back to normal.

“You should understand the mass support for the population and there are two areas: health in terms of immunisation and basic education. So, I like your idea about complaining against the continued charging of fees in government schools because that is the best way to create equality by enabling everyone to go to school whether they have money or not as well as to get immunised and healthcare,” the President said.

“Now if you have security, you have mass basic education then you have mass medical services, then the next important aspect is wealth creation because to get prosperity depending on government money only is not sustainable, so it is good that all families in Uganda engage in wealth creation. There, you should always look at how that one is going. I think part of your mandate is to wake up people. The problem here is just sleeping, people should wake up,” he added.

On behalf of the commission, Ms. Nalule expressed gratitude to President Museveni for appointing them to head the Equal Opportunities Commission.

“We pledge our support to contribute to the agenda of transforming Uganda from backwardness to modernity,” she noted.

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