
President Museveni delivers on his promise as Kayunga Residents receive land titles

Minister Mayanja sensitizing the residents of Kayunga about the land Acts and laws.

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On Thursday 27 April 2023, the residents of Nkokonjeru village in Kitimbwa Subcounty, Kayunga District recieved 800 land titles, promised to them by H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in 2018 and they were delivered and handed over to them by the National Coordinator of the Office of the National Chairman (ONC), SPA/PA Hajjat Hadijah Namyalo.

Hajjat Hadijah Namyalo and State Minister for Lands Sam Mayanja with the land titles.

She was received by a cheering crowd and area leaders including the Member of Parliament – Hon Charles Tebandeke NUP, the NRM district Chairperson – Mr Kaliisa Karangwa, and Andrew Muwonge, the LCV Chairperson of Kayunga district.

Hajjat Hadijah Namyalo National Coordinator of the Office of the National Chairman being received by a cheering crowd and area leaders.

After hearing all the complainants, PresidentMuseveni pledged that the government would acquire the property for them. He then gave the Ministry of Lands the goahead to begin the process of giving titles to each citizen, allowing them to take possession of their own plot of land.

As promised by the NRM National Chairman, H.E. President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, the ONC manager, Hajjat Hadijja Namyalo, oversaw the distribution of 800 land titles to inhabitants of Kitimbwa and Kayonza Sub-counties in a very historic event. Namyalo urged the beneficiaries to treat their land ownership as a valuable asset and asked them not to give their tittles to money lenders.

One of the beneficiaries receiving his land title

“Use your land to cultivate food for your home consumption, don’t sell the land please, HE the president issued these titles freely for you to settle without any confrontation,” Namyalo said.

The beneficiaries of these titles received a lifetime asset. “Our mighty Chairman continues to be an advocate of self-empowerment as a true leader. We should, however, guard against land grabbers and cheap politicking on matters of national interest.” She continued.

Hon. Charles Tebandeke (NUP) was thanked for taking part in the memorable occasion.

State Minister for Lands Sam Mayanja sensitized the masses about the land laws and Acts, saying that, it is the district land boards which always bring confusion by issuing out public land to individuals and promised to do something about the problem.

Minister Mayanja sensitizing the residents of Kayunga about the land Acts and laws.

The former MPs for Bbaale County constituency Hon Nsamba Kumaama, Sulaiman Kyebakoze Madada, LC 5 Chairman Andrew Muwonge, NRM boss Kayunga District Kariisa Karangwa and others attended the function.

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