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President Museveni Emphasizes Judiciary’s Role in Poverty Eradication

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President Museveni urges proactive court role in poverty alleviation during the East African Magistrates’ and Judges’ Conference. He emphasizes timely dispute resolution to support Parish Development Model.

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni

President Yoweri Museveni has urged the courts to take a proactive role in addressing poverty. In a speech delivered by Vice President Jessica Alupo at the East African Magistrates’ and Judges’ Conference (EAMJA), Museveni emphasized the need for courts to guide and expedite dispute resolution, allowing for the timely release of funds entangled in prolonged legal proceedings.

The conference, hosted by Uganda’s Judiciary at the Commonwealth Resort Munyonyo, commenced on Tuesday, December 5, 2023.

“As a government, we are currently implementing the Parish Development Model to alleviate poverty. However, the success of these initiatives depends on functional courts resolving disputes arising from economic transactions,” stated President Museveni.

Vice President Jessica Alupo and other Judicial officials at the opening ceremony of the East African Magistrates’ and Judges’ Association Conference at the Commonwealth Resort Munyonyo

Highlighting the impact of imprisoning criminals on economic prosperity, Museveni emphasized that detaining offenders like murderers and thieves fosters a conducive environment for thriving businesses, ultimately benefiting communities.

In addressing the imperative of bolstering public trust in the judiciary, Museveni identified combating corruption as a top priority. He underscored that corruption not only erodes confidence in African judiciaries but also undermines the credibility of the entire governmental system, hindering poverty eradication efforts.

Chief Justice of Uganda Alfonse Owiny-Dollo addressing the attendees of the East African Magistrates’ and Judges’ Association Conference at the Commonwealth Resort Munyonyo

Chief Justice Alfonse Owiny-Dollo acknowledged the challenges faced by the Judiciary in administering justice and expressed optimism that the conference would facilitate the development of best practices and solutions.

“Our actions and decisions profoundly impact society, and we must consider the aspirations of the people we serve,” stated Owiny-Dollo.

The conference welcomed delegates from Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Uganda, EACJ, Lesotho, and Zanzibar. EAMJA comprises members from organizational bodies representing Judges and Magistrates in East African countries, including the Kenya Magistrates’ and Judges’ Association (KMJA), Rwanda Judges and Registrars Association (RJRA), Uganda Judicial Officers’ Association (UJOA), the Judges’ and Magistrates’ Association of Tanzania (JMAT), and Zanzibar Judicial Officers Association.

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