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President Museveni’s Money Economy Vision Alive: Minister Nabakoba

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The Minister for Lands, Housing, and Urban Development, Hon. Judith Nabakooba Nalule, has appreciated President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni for bringing opportunities like the skilling hubs closer to those that need them most. She made these remarks during the graduation ceremony of 448 youths who completed their vocational training at the Greater Mubende Presidential Zonal skilling hub located in Kibuye-vuga village, Kitenga sub-county in Mubende district on Tuesday, April 20, 2024.

Minister for Lands, Housing, and Urban Development, Hon. Judith Nabakooba

During the graduation ceremony of 448 youths who completed their vocational training at the Greater Mubende Presidential Zonal skilling hub located in Kibuye-vuga village, Kitenga sub-county in Mubende district on Tuesday, April 20, 2024, the Minister for Lands, Housing, and Urban Development, Hon. Judith Nabakooba Nalule, expressed her appreciation to President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni for bringing opportunities like the skilling hubs closer to those that need them most.

“This is a great opportunity for our children and the country at large. I have seen machines and products that I used to only see in Kampala. I thank H.E. the President for establishing this in Greater Mubende. We used to hear about this skilling programme only in Kampala, but the President, in his wisdom, decided to bring the smiles closer by establishing zonal regional hubs to accommodate more children in our communities. His vision is to see a skilled nation where everyone is in the money economy,” Hon. Nabakooba said.

Minister Nabakooba made the remarks on Tuesday, April 20, 2024, while presiding over the graduation ceremony of 448 youths who completed their vocational training at the Greater Mubende Presidential Zonal Skill Hub located in Kibuye-vuga village, Kitenga sub-county in Mubende district.

Students of the 2nd and 3rd cohorts, drawn from the administrative units of the Greater Mubende and Wamala regions, comprising Mityana, Mubende, Kassanda, Kiboga, & Kyankwanzi districts, were awarded certificates in seven (7) employable vocational disciplines, namely: tailoring and design (78), hairdressing and make-up (95), building and construction practice (55), carpentry & joinery (46), welding and metal fabrications (91), bakery & confectionery (55) and 28 students in leather processing (shoe making).

Hon. Nabakooba implored the trainees to count themselves lucky among the thousands of youths who would have loved to acquire the same training and urged them to extend the skills to other fellow young people.

“There are so many who would have been here, but they didn’t get this chance. Thank God because you’re blessed. Remain humble as you look for jobs. Those who can teach others, please go ahead so that we have more skilled personnel,” Minister Nabakooba added.

The National Resistance Movement (NRM) Vice Chairperson for Region, Hon. Godfrey Kiwanda Suubi, called upon parents to support their children to further their skills.

State Minister of Lands Judith Nabakooba and State House Comptroller Jane Barekye were welcomed by graduates during the graduation first and second intakes 2023 of the Mubende Zonal region Presidential Industrial Hub.

“Don’t wait for the government to do everything for you. President Museveni has taught and equipped our children with skills for free. If your daughter has acquired skills in tailoring, sell one cow and buy her a sewing machine to start work. Go and become the light in your villages,” Hon. Kiwanda said.

A total of 19 regional industrial hubs have been constructed by the government across the country under the Presidential Initiative aimed at skilling the youth into the money economy.

Students were awarded the Uganda Vocational Qualifications Level One Certificate by the Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT), which is equivalent to the Uganda certificate of education level.

Students here equally shared testimonies of hope and thanked President Museveni for providing them for free.

Namakula Bridget, who acquired skills in welding, informed guests that she is already employed in a workshop and is already impressing her employees with quality work.

“I thank President Museveni and our instructors. I believe I will be a powerful woman in the next five years,” she said.

Kisekka Ronald, from Kakindu in Mityana district, acquired skills in carpentry and joinery. He informed guests that upon completion, he went around asking for jobs, and his first interview was making a cupboard, which he did very well and immediately started working on.

“I thank President Museveni for skilling us. To my fellow students, let’s not sit on our talents,” Kisekka said.

Maruti Daniel from Kasanda acquired skills in baking and confectionery, and his first assignment was to make a graduation cake.

“I’m now employed by Denovo Bread bakery at Nateete in Kampala, earning 200,000 shillings per week. I thank President Museveni for giving us the skills we are enjoying now,” Maruti said.

Musinguzi Jordan from Kalonga Village, Mubende, acquired skills in carpentry and joinery. Musinguzi informed guests that his hopes had been shuttered after completing Senior Four with no funds to further his formal education.

“When I came here, I found only practical lessons, offering hands-on skills. I do quality carpentry products in Kampala. I call upon parents to support us where possible so that we don’t sit on our talents,” Jordan added.

The State House Comptroller, Ms. Jane Barekye, Resident District Commissioners, Greater Mubende LC5 Chairpersons, parents, religious leaders, and security personnel were also present at the occasion.

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