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President Museveni’s Steadfast Leadership: A Pillar of Economic Resilience

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Finance Minister Hon. Matia Kasaija highlighted President Museveni’s leadership as crucial for Uganda’s economic resilience, emphasizing low inflation and increased investments.

Finance Minister Matia Kasaija has emphasized that President Yoweri Museveni’s steadfast leadership has bolstered the nation’s economy, resulting in a low inflation rate and increased investment across various sectors. Speaking at the official opening of the East African Trade and Investment Forum at Kampala Serena Hotel on Tuesday, Kasaija highlighted advancements in agricultural value addition, manufacturing, ICT, oil and gas, tourism, and services.

During the three-day forum, aligned with the 19th summit of the Non-Aligned Movement themed “Unlocking East Africa’s potential on the global stage,” Kasaija underscored the government’s commitment to facilitating investments by implementing substantial reforms. He pointed to the Uganda Investment Authority’s (UIA) One Stop Centre as evidence, describing it as a streamlined point of contact for all investment-related approvals, eliminating bureaucratic obstacles.

Furthermore, Kasaija outlined the One Stop Center’s role in providing a seamless experience for investors, covering services such as company registration, tax permits, environmental impact assessments, and work permits. He emphasized the time and cost-saving benefits, making Uganda an appealing investment destination.

In addition to the One Stop Centre, Kasaija highlighted broader reforms aimed at enhancing the business climate. These include simplified tax procedures, improved infrastructure, particularly in electricity, and investments in human capital development. The minister reiterated the government’s commitment to good governance, transparency, and the rule of law, ensuring a stable and predictable business environment.

Positioning Uganda strategically at the crossroads of East and Central Africa, Kasaija noted its gateway status to a market of over 500 million people. He extended a warm invitation to investors to explore Uganda’s vast potential, assuring them of continuous support and a conducive business environment.

Concluding his address, Kasaija implored investors to join in fostering shared prosperity, mutual growth, and a brighter future for Uganda.

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