
Promoting Investment and Collaboration: African American Development Partners Meet with Ugandan Officials to Unlock Opportunities in Karamoja

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A meeting between Gen. Salim Saleh, the Chief Coordinator of Operation Wealth Creation (OWC), African American Development Partners, Ambassador Abbey Walusimbi (Senior Presidential Advisor on Diaspora Affairs), local business leaders, and other officials in Napak State, Karamoja. Gen. Saleh mentioned that President Museveni assigned him the responsibility of promoting trade and investment in Karamoja because of his love for the people in the region. The meeting aimed to explore investment opportunities and improve the lives of local communities.

Operation Wealth Creation (OWC) Chief Coordinator, Gen. Salim Saleh held a fruitful meeting with African American Development Partners, Senior Presidential Advisor on Diaspora Affairs, Ambassador Abbey Walusimbi, and local business leaders, at Napak State, Karamoja.

The Head Operation Wealth Creation & Senior Presidential Advisor, General Salim Saleh, mentioned that President Museveni loves the people in Karamoja, hence assigning him the responsibility to promote trade and investment in the area. It should be noted that President Museveni’s leadership has been instrumental in driving progress in the Karamoja Sub-region, harnessing the investment power of the global African Diaspora community.

“The Karamoja region has been overlooked for too long, and we are determined to change that. We are committed to working with our African American development partners to create new opportunities and transform the lives of local communities,” Gen. Saleh said.

Ambassador Walusimbi highlighted the vast opportunities available in Karamoja, encouraging the African American development partners to invest in the area.

“Karamoja region is ripe for investment, and we welcome the opportunity to work with African American development partners to unlock its potential,” he stated.

The SPA/DA mentioned that President Museveni is focused on turning Uganda into an investment hub. He added that the President has ensured continued peace and stability, in a bid to boost trade and investment.

The Executive Director of Uganda Communication Commission, Irene Kaggwa Sewankambo, “The film industry has the potential to create jobs and drive economic growth in the region, and we are committed to supporting its development,” she said.

One of the African American development partners, said the signing of an MOU between the American delegation and the Karamoja community, is a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation in driving progress. Additionally, he reckoned that it showed them vast opportunities available, and they look forward to working with local leaders to realize its potential.

Jie County MP, Hon. Lokii Peter Abraham, who has represented the area for the last 20 years, welcomed the development partners, and implored them to take advantage of the investment opportunities in Karamoja. He also thanked President Museveni for improving infrastructure, including tarmac roads and electricity, which apparently favours the setting up of ventures in the area.

Chairman Kodet International Ltd & Multi millionaire with a net worth of $60M, Mzee Kodet Cornelius Loreka, thanked President Museveni for giving them the Government chief listener, Gen. Salim Saleh, who has made Karamoja an investment destination, by luring development partners, thus, generating new opportunities and improving livelihoods. The meeting was attended by OWC Principal Advisor, Maj. Gen. Idro Phillips, Secretary General, Lomma Phillips Limlim, among others.

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