
Rwenzori sub-region leaders urged to use Presidential Industrial Hubs as production and innovation centres

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The Director Presidential Projects and Industrial Hubs at State House, Eng. Raymond Kamugisha has appealed to the leaders of Rwenzori Sub-region to use the Presidential Zonal Industrial Hubs in the area as production and innovation centerswhile meeting leaders from the sub-region as he made a tour to the two Zonal Industrial Hubs located in Kasese and Ntoroko districts.

The Director Presidential Projects and Industrial Hubs at State House, Eng. Raymond Kamugisha with Rwenzori sub region leaders

While meeting with leaders from the Rwenzori Sub-region and touring the two presidential zonal Industrial Hubs in the Kasese and Ntoroko districts on August 31, 2023, Eng. Raymond Kamugisha, Director presidential projects and Industrial hubs at state house, appealed to them to use the facilities as production and innovation hubs.

Eng. Kamugisha made the request yesterday while meeting leaders from the sub-region as he made a tour to the two Zonal Industrial Hubs located in Kasese and Ntoroko districts.

He advised the leaders to use the Presidential Industrial hubs in their area to add value to the craftsmen and women like carpenters, welders, bakers, tailors, salon stylists and hairdressers among others by organizing them; first in associations and taking them for up-skilling.

“They will be assessed and after a short time, they will be given certification from the Directorate of Industrial Training in different trades,” Eng. Kamugisha said.

In attendance were the Resident District Commissioners (RDCs), DISOs, Chief Administrative Officers, District Commercial Officers, cchairpersons LC5, municipal and city mayors, chairperson for youth, women and PWDs.

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni initiated the Zonal Industrial Hub project with a goal to skill and mitigate the unemployment challenge among the youth and have more people join the money economy.

“These hubs are expected to create jobs for more than 2,000 people whether skilled, semi-skilled or unskilled. It was also expected to help farmers in the region add value to their produce,” Raymond said.

The over 20 Industrial Hubs spread across the country offer free skills to the youth in the areas of tailoring, hairdressing, carpentry and joinery, metal fabrication, food processing, bakery among others.

Mr. Raymond also said that by establishing such institutions, wants to ensure that it eliminates unemployment among the youth and changes the economic statuses of people who never had a chance to attain formal education in order to transform Uganda into a middle-income economy through imparting skills such as tailoring, hairdressing, bricklaying, carpentry and joinery, craftsmanship, metal fabrication, food processing, bakery, and value addition to improve the quality of various products.

So far, over 5,000 youth have benefited from the initiative.

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