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South Sudanese Refugees Express Gratitude Towards Uganda, Calling Museveni A “Gift from God” And Recognizing Uganda as A Safe Haven.

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South Sudanese refugees in Obongi district have expressed gratitude to President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni for his welcoming policy during political turmoil. The refugees, based in Palorinya refugee settlement, referred to Museveni as a father for Africa and thanked the leaders and people of Obongi district for their warm welcome and land provision during a meeting with the RDC, Samuel Mpimbaza Hashaka, at Itula sub-county headquarters in Obongi district on Saturday 16th December 2023

South Sudanese Refugees at Palorinya meeting RDC Hasaka, Praises President Museveni.

South Sudanese refugees in Obongi district conveyed their thanks to President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni for his hospitable approach to refugees amid political unrest in their home country. The refugees expressed their gratitude during a meeting with the Obongi District Resident District Commissioner (RDC), Samuel Mpimbaza Hashaka, held at the Itula sub-county headquarters in Obongi district on Saturday.

The refugees, based in Palorinya refugee settlement, referred to President Museveni as a father for Africa who has significantly contributed to peace and security on the continent, especially by extending a welcoming hand to those displaced by wars. They also thanked the leaders and people of Obongi for their warm welcome and the provision of land free of charge.

Achola Eunice, a 45-year-old woman among the refugees, expressed her happiness about the freedom they now enjoy while staying in Uganda. She noted that in Uganda, they can live without fear, providing a stark contrast to the psychological distress caused by the impact of the war when they were in South Sudan.

Uganda is currently the third-largest refugee-hosting country in Africa after Ethiopia and Kenya. More than 500,000 refugees from 13 countries are settled in Uganda in various refugee settlements in nine districts, according to a World Bank study on Forced Displacement and Mixed Migration in the Horn of Africa. Nakivale is the 8th largest refugee settlement in the world, hosting more than 60,000 refugees.

An anonymous refugee mentioned that since the onset of the war in South Sudan, many people had been left homeless, and before President Museveni welcomed them to Uganda, they struggled to access essential services. A refugee leader added that, thanks to Museveni’s generosity, most of their children are now able to enjoy education in Uganda.

The leader commended Museveni Kaguta for being a compassionate leader, describing him as a gift from God who liberated the South Sudanese refugees, providing them with refuge and safety in Uganda.

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