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St Janani Luwum Legacy: Construction Plans for Modern Sports Facility Unveiled

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Government’s plan to construct a modern sports stadium at St Janani Luwum’s burial site in Kitgum, with updates on development progress and preparations for the annual St Janani Luwum Day commemoration whose theme this year emphasizes spiritual adherence over worldly trends.

Hon. Beatrice Akello, Minister of State for Ethics and Integrity

The Government has reiterated its intention to construct a contemporary sports stadium at the burial site of St Janani Luwum in Kitgum district.

Beatrice Akello, Minister of State for Ethics and Integrity, informed the Parliament on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, that the plans for the stadium are progressing well.

This briefing by Akello precedes the commemoration of St Janani Luwum Day scheduled for Friday, February 16, 2024.

Uganda will observe the 47th anniversary of St Janani Luwum Day, an occasion established as a public holiday in 2015 by the Government to honor the memory of the 2nd Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and Boga-Zaire, who was tragically murdered by the late President Idi Amin in 1977.

The annual commemoration takes place at the burial site of the late Archbishop Luwum in Wii-Gweng Village, Mucwini parish in Kitgum, organized jointly by the Church of Uganda, the Directorate for Ethics and Integrity, the local organizing committee in Kitgum, and the family of the late Archbishop Janani Luwum.

Masterplan Development:

On April 13, 2022, a delegation led by the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, in conjunction with the Minister of Finance, met with President Museveni to discuss the transformation of Mucwini into an international pilgrimage and tourist destination.

Akello mentioned that President Museveni advised including a modern sports stadium in the masterplan to generate revenue for the Church’s sustainability and the upkeep of the site.

She noted that the initial step towards development involved the official donation of the land by the Janani Luwum family to the Church of Uganda Diocese of Kitgum.

The process of obtaining a certificate of title in the name of the Diocese of Kitgum is underway, after which it will be submitted, along with the bills of quantities for the masterplan, to the Ministry of Works for approval.

Once the necessary approvals are secured, a proposal for capital development funding will be forwarded to the Ministry of Finance.

Archbishop Janani Luwum

Devotion and Martyrdom:

Akello elucidated that the annual commemoration of Archbishop Janani Luwum’s martyrdom signifies his profound devotion, acknowledged by the Church of England, which commemorates him as one of the 10 martyrs of the 20th Century within the Anglican Communion.

The theme for this year’s commemoration, “Conforming to the truth of God’s word, not the patterns of the world,” derives from Romans Chapter 12:1-2.

“This theme seeks to redirect focus towards spiritual truths amidst contemporary challenges, emphasizing unity and adherence to the word of God,” Akello remarked.

The Event:

The central commemorative event will be a Church Service at the burial site of Archbishop Janani Luwum in Wii-Gweng, followed by addresses. President Museveni is expected to attend as the chief guest, with the Most Rev. Dr. Stephen Samuel Kaziirnba Mugalu, Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, serving as the main celebrant. Liturgical preparations are overseen by the Dioceses of Madi and West Nile.

Outcomes of Previous Commemorations:

Previous St Janani Luwum Day commemorations have witnessed increased participation from Ugandans, with pilgrims journeying from neighboring districts and Kampala to Mucwini. The event, characterized by singing, prayer, and communion, has facilitated reconciliation and unity.

Pilgrims from Kampala:

This year, a group of pilgrims, including Tokwinyi Thomas Mussolin, embarked on a foot pilgrimage from Kampala to Mucwini. Departing from the Church of Uganda Provincial Office at Namirembe Hill on January 31, they reached Gulu on February 7, 2024, where they joined another group led by Apollo Oola. The combined group, led by the Rt. Rev. Godfrey Loum, Bishop of the Diocese of Northern Uganda, commenced their journey on February 9, 2024, and is expected to arrive in Mucwini on February 15, 2024, demonstrating unity and fellowship.

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