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The Eastern Africa Standby Force Praised for its Integral Role in Regional Stabilization

Minister Huda Oleru Abason commended the Eastern Africa Standby Force for regional security efforts, emphasizing the need for funding. She pledged ongoing government support and highlighted Uganda’s commitment to collaborative action. EASF Director Brig Gen Njema expressed gratitude for Uganda’s contributions, underscoring the force’s multifaceted responsibilities.

The Role of Intelligence in Safeguarding National Security Against Corruption

In a presentation at the School of Military Intelligence, Brig. Gen. Henry Isoke warns senior intelligence officers of corruption’s threat to national security, emphasizing its impact on the economy and military. He urged intelligence officers to integrate the fight against corruption into their routine duties, emphasizing the importance of integrity, transparency, and timely reporting of threats to national security.

General Court Martial Conducts Trials on Maj. Steven Oluka and Maj. Zadock Obor over UPDF Base Attack

A General Court Martial (GCM) legal team, under the leadership of Brig Gen Robert Freeman Mugabe, is conducting trials in Somalia for UPDF personnel alleged to have committed capital offenses. Two senior officers, Maj. Steven Oluka and Maj. Zadock Obor, are facing charges related to cowardice in action. President Museveni expressed his views on the situation and praised the UPDF’s response to an attack on the Buulo Mareer base. The GCM is in Somalia to handle cases involving the UPDF Act, and the trials will last for two weeks.

ATMIS Intensifies Operations in Somalia Against al-Shabab

The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) has resumed joint military operations with Somali security forces after a three-month technical pause in its troop drawdown. They are intensifying efforts to combat al-Shabab and ensure stability, despite weather-related challenges. ATMIS is on track to gradually withdraw its forces over the next 14 months, with full withdrawal by the end of 2024.