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The Eastern Africa Standby Force Praised for its Integral Role in Regional Stabilization

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Minister Huda Oleru Abason commended the Eastern Africa Standby Force for regional security efforts, emphasizing the need for funding. She pledged ongoing government support and highlighted Uganda’s commitment to collaborative action. EASF Director Brig Gen Njema expressed gratitude for Uganda’s contributions, underscoring the force’s multifaceted responsibilities.

Minister of State for Defence in Charge of Veteran Affairs, Huda Oleru Abason and other officials from Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs at the headquarters in Mbuya, Kampala.

The Minister of State for Defence in Charge of Veteran Affairs, Huda Oleru Abason, expressed commendation to the Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) for its diligent efforts in neutralizing adverse elements within the region. Representing the Minister of Defence and Veteran Affairs, Vicent Bamulangaki Ssempijja, Huda conveyed this sentiment during a meeting with a delegation from EASF at the Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs headquarters in Mbuya, Kampala.

She emphasized, “To uphold the legacy of our forefathers who liberated this continent from imperialism, it is imperative that this organization (EASF) receives adequate funding. Independence is unattainable without peace and security.”

The Minister of State for Defence in Charge of Veteran Affairs, Huda Oleru Abason

The State Minister for Veterans Affairs pledged ongoing government support, stating, “Our support will provide the foundation for your success.” Additionally, she underscored Uganda’s commitment to collaborating with other nations for the fulfillment of the EASF mandate, emphasizing the importance of unity in addressing issues on a continental scale.

Highlighting Uganda’s principles of democracy, patriotism, Pan Africanism, and Social Economic Transformation, Huda stressed the significance of prioritizing African issues. She urged collaboration with the Eastern Africa Standby Force, stating, “If we collaborate, the sky will be the limit.”

In the same meeting, the Director of EASF, Brig Gen (Rtd) Paul Kahurira Njema, expressed gratitude to the Government of Uganda for its substantial contribution to the success of the Eastern Africa Standby Force. He acknowledged Uganda’s continued fulfillment of obligations and outlined key responsibilities of EASF, including maintaining regional stability and addressing crises such as environmental issues, terrorism, and cyber crimes.

Deputy Chief of Defence Forces Lt Gen Peter Elwelu and the Director of EASF, Brig Gen (Rtd) Paul Kahurira Njema

Brig Gen Kahurira emphasized the multifaceted nature of operations, highlighting the necessity for the Eastern Africa Standby Force to fill critical voids. The meeting was attended by notable figures, including Deputy Chief of Defence Forces Lt Gen Peter Elwelu, Joint Chief of Staff Maj Gen Leopold Kyanda, Joint Chief of Staff Eastern Africa Standby Force Brig Gen Stephen Kashure, and Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs Under Secretary in charge of Finance and Administration Edith Buturo.

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