The FirstLady Hon. Janet Museveni Commissions UNEB’s New Office, Storage Block

Education Minister who is also the Firstlady, Hon. Janet Museveni commissioned the New Stores and Office Block for the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) in Kyambogo, Kampalaon Friday 7th July 2023.

On Friday, July 7, 2023, Hon. Janet Museveni, who serves as both the Education Minister and the First Lady, officially inaugurated the newly constructed storage facilities and office block for the Uganda NationalExaminations Board (UNEB) in Kyambogo, Kampala.
The structure also has offices for script officers, Examinations Development and Manuscript Officers, Science laboratories, a strong room for a secure examinations bank, a boardroom and committee rooms, a conference hall with a capacity for over 300 persons, a resource centre, a room to archive historical documents, and some IT facilities.
Janet said she was pleased to learn that this is a multi-purpose structure, resolving the issue of storing sensitive materials such as examination scripts, while also providing office space and conference facilities.
She added, “Additionally, I am informed that this facility is well equipped and furnished, and so, utilisation and functionality are guaranteed upon its Commissioning. This is the way to go with all government projects if value for money is to be realised.”
Janet further said the board, management, contractors, and technical teams all worked together to ensure that resources were used efficiently, that “no corners were cut,” and that deadlines were met.
“This is commendable, and I urge all the other Government Contract Managers to emulate this good practice,” said the Minister.

UNEB’s Executive Secretary, Dan Odongo, said the facility was constructed by Techno Three Uganda Ltd., “on whom we did a lot of due diligence checks.”
He said the facility has been equipped with a one colour web offset printer; an automatic counting and wrapping machine for secure packing of examination papers; a five-colour printer for handling jobs that have colour images; a printer for certificates and result slips; a machine for fixing holograms to certificates; and a computer-to-plate (CTP) machine for producing plates for printing directly from the computer.
Janet said the increased printer capacity, made possible by the newly acquired equipment and machinery, is commendable.
“This means that the Board now has the capacity to handle its assessment tasks efficiently and effectively and to also undertake to offer printing services to other Ministry Departments and Agencies, at a modest fee,” said Janet, adding, “This also reduces the costs that used to be incurred when examinations and certificates were externally printed, therefore significantly saving Government resources.”