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Uganda and Kenya Set Dates for Second Uganda-Kenya Coast Tourism Conference

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Uganda and Kenya have once again come together to announce the eagerly awaited second edition of the Uganda-Kenya coast tourism conference. This event, scheduled for November 13-14 of this year, presents an exceptional opportunity for both countries to further harness their tourism potential and forge stronger ties within the coastal region.

The second edition of the Uganda-Kenya coast tourism conference.

The Uganda-Kenya coast tourism conference is a testament to the commitment of both nations to unlock the immense tourism potential present in their shared coastal region. With the picturesque landscapes, diverse cultures, and abundant wildlife that characterize this area, it’s no surprise that both countries are eager to collaborate and find innovative ways to draw tourists to their shores. This conference, as the second of its kind, reflects their continued efforts to strengthen ties and harness the economic benefits that a thriving tourism industry can bring.

The growing number of tourists between Uganda and Kenya’s coastal regions was attributed to improved air connectivity between Entebbe and Mombasa, facilitated by Uganda Airlines’ direct flights and Kenya Airways’ daily flights through Nairobi. Additionally, the possibility of cross-border travel using national identity cards has further facilitated tourism growth.

Tourism alone contributes seven percent to Uganda’s GDP and provides direct and indirect employment opportunities to various sectors. This tourism conference will emphasize the importance of drawing more tourists to Uganda to stimulate household income and overall economic growth.

At launch of the 2nd Uganda -Kenya tourism conference.

The chosen theme for this year’s conference, “Consolidating Networks, Synergies, and Diversity to Maximize the Tourism Potential between Uganda and Kenya Coastal Region,” underscores the need for collaborative efforts. Both Uganda and Kenya recognize that by consolidating their networks, sharing resources, and embracing the diversity of their offerings, they can create a more compelling and enriching experience for tourists. The theme speaks to the importance of unity in boosting tourism, as well as the recognition that the sum of their combined attractions is far greater than their individual parts.

The choice of Neptune Paradise Beach Resort and Spa as the conference venue is a masterstroke. Nestled in the heart of Diani, Kwale County, this stunning resort embodies the essence of coastal beauty and luxury. Its pristine beaches, lush gardens, and top-notch amenities provide an ideal setting for delegates, experts, and stakeholders to engage in meaningful discussions, share insights, and lay the groundwork for future collaborations. The venue itself is a testament to the kind of experiences that the Uganda-Kenya coastal region can offer to tourists.

As Uganda and Kenya gear up for the second edition of the Uganda-Kenya coast tourism conference, the prospects for the future of tourism in the region are undeniably exciting. The commitment to consolidate networks, synergies, and diversity emphasizes the collective determination to create a thriving and sustainable tourism industry that benefits both countries. With the picturesque backdrop of Neptune Paradise Beach Resort and Spa, the conference is poised to facilitate productive discussions and pave the way for a brighter future for tourism in the Uganda-Kenya coastal region.

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