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Uganda Boosts Emergency Response: 116 Ambulances Launched

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Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja launched a fleet of 116 ambulances to strengthen emergency medical services. Of these, 53 are fully equipped as Type B ambulances for immediate deployment, while the rest will be distributed after meeting the same standards by February 2024.

Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja flagging off the ambulances on Wednesday November 29, 2023, at the National Records Centre and Archives in Kampala.

Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja on Wednesday 29th November 2023, flagged off a fleet of 116 ambulances aimed to enhance emergency medical services in the country. So far, 53 have been fully equipped to the standard of a Type B ambulance to facilitate emergency transfers.

“The 53 ambulances can now be dispatched to the beneficiary constituencies and districts but the remainder will be delivered later,” she said.

The remaining part of the new fleet are currently being re-equipped to suit the Type B standards and distribution will conclude by end of February 2024.

The event took place at the National Records Centre and Archives in Kampala.

Prime Minister Nabbanja and Minister of Health Acheng inspecting an ambulance fully equipped to the standard of a Type B ambulance

The Premier said it was in fulfilment of a commitment by the National Resistance Movement (NRM) government to improve emergency medical services through a national ambulance system.

“This afternoon, together with the Deputy RDC and Deputy CAO, Kiruhura, I was honoured to have received a brand-new ambulance Reg number UG 8097 from the Ministry of Health meant for Nyabushozi County. We are grateful to President Yoweri Museveni for equipping the health sector. The ambulance is fitted with basic life support equipment,” Nyabushozi MP Wilson Kajwengye said.

Type B Ambulances

This Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Strategic plan operationalises the National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Policy 2019.

It defines the EMS administration and service delivery system at all levels of health care in the country covering obstetric, medical, surgical, paediatric, mental and trauma emergencies, as well as medical care during disasters.

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