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Uganda Plans Second-Biggest International Airport at Kidepo, Boosting Tourism Sector

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Uganda’s Minister for Tourism, Tom Butime, announced plans to build the country’s second-largest International Airport at Kidepo, with potential investors from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) involved in discussions. The construction aims to enhance tourism, with tourists expected to traverse various destinations including national parks

The government is in talks with potential investors from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to build Uganda’s second-biggest International Airport at Kidepo, the Minister for Tourism, Tom Butime has revealed.

“Kidepo International Airport will boost our tourism. Tourists will arrive at Kidepo, drive through Gulu to Murchison, Fort Portal, Kibaale, Semuliki, Mt Rwenzori, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Mbarara, Lake Mburo, and back to Kampala,” the minister disclosed.

The minister disclosed this on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, at the launch of the tourism industry performance report for 2023 at Hotel Africana.

The report indicates that the sector is on a steady path to recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, moving closer to pre-pandemic international tourism each year after the initial drop in 2020.

This demonstrates a strong rebound in the tourism sector, with only 17% not covered. This is attributed to the lifting of travel restrictions and global vaccination efforts easing the effects of the pandemic.

Kidepo International Airport construction plan comes weeks after the Government signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with East of Eden (U) Ltd (EOE), a private company incorporated in Uganda to undertake a feasibility study to develop Arua Airport into an International Airport under build, operate and transfer model.

Arua Airport is the second-busiest airport in Uganda, after Entebbe International Airport.

The Minister of Works and Transport Gen Katumba Wamala on February 28, 2024, signed a memorandum of understanding with the investor following approval by the Solicitor General.

Sandra Zawedde the EOE (U) Ltd Chairperson signed on behalf of the investor. The pact was witnessed by her company secretary Lydia Nakamalira Tamale, Ministry of Works and Transport Permanent Secretary, Waiswa Bageya, and Uganda Civil Aviation Authority (UCAA) director general, Fred Bamwesigye.

The Government intends to develop the Arua Aerodrome into an international airport to realize its objective as stipulated in Vision 2040 and the National Development Plan III, particularly the development of airport infrastructure, among others.

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