
Uganda To Construct More Expressways to Revolutionize Public Transport and Logistics Infrastructure

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Ugandan government has embarked on an ambitious project to construct expressways across the country. This is a significant stride taken towards enhancing the country’s transportation infrastructure which will help to decongest Kampala city and the metropolitan area to ease traffic flow, while establishing a reliable network for public transport and facilitating smoother logistics movement.


The Minister of Works and Transport Gen. Katumba Wamala said the ministry is at the infancy of developing the express-way roads and the government of Uganda is looking forward to having many of them developed.

Some of the expressways in progress include;

Kampala Flyover Construction and Road Upgrading Project (contract signed and project commissioned. (Works commenced and are at 80% completion equivalent).

The Kampala-Jinja Express-way, when done, the Kampala-Jinja Express-way will address the existing Kampala-Jinja Road traffic jam and other inadequacy challenges.

The Kampala Southern Bypass (18km) (under procurement and project appraisal).


The Kampala-Mpigi Expressway (32km), which has two sections. The sections are Kibuye-Busega Expressway (10km) (under appraisal by JICA for funding) and Busega-Mpigi Expressway (23km) (works ongoing at 3%).

There is also the Kampala-Bombo Express-way, which is a proposed four-lane, dual carriage highway, connecting Kampala to Bombo, in Luwero district. The road, estimated to be 32km, will start at Wandegeya continue through Bwaise, Kawempe, and Matugga and end at Bombo.

The rest are design of Nakasero-Northern Bypass Express Route (VVIP Route) (design is complete, implementation awaits funding); Design of Kampala – Nansana – Busunju Express way (55km) (procurement for design ongoing); design of Kampala – Bujuuko dual carriage way (35km) (procurement of design consultant to commence in FY 2021/22); and Capacity improvement of Kampala Northern Bypass (17.5km) – Phase II (cumulative progress is 87.7%.).

Some of the primary objectives of the expressway’s construction projects in Uganda are;

Relieving Traffic Congestion and Enhancing Efficiency:With rapid urbanization and a growing population, the existing road network has struggled to keep up with the escalating demands of transportation. Consequently, traffic jams have become a daily ordeal for both commuters and commercial vehicles, leading to significant time delays and economic losses.

By introducing dual carriageways with four lanes, the new expressways will enable a more streamlined flow of traffic. The increased capacity will not only accommodate a larger volume of vehicles but also provide separate lanes for faster and slower-moving traffic, further improving the efficiency of the road network. This development is expected to significantly reduce travel times, enhance productivity, and stimulate economic growth in Uganda.

Promoting Road Safety:Narrow roads have contributed to a high incidence of accidents in Uganda. Insufficient space for overtaking, inadequate visibility, and a lack of dedicated lanes for different vehicle categories have all contributed to unsafe driving conditions. Recognizing the urgency to mitigate these risks, the construction of expressways is set to prioritize safety as a paramount concern.

The wider carriageways of the new expressways will provide ample room for safe overtaking manoeuvres, reducing the likelihood of head-on collisions and risky manoeuvres. Additionally, the dedicated lanes for slower vehicles, such as trucks and buses, will help segregate traffic, reducing the chances of accidents caused by speed differentials. Moreover, the expressways will incorporate modern safety features such as lighting, signage, and improved intersections, further enhancing road safety for all users.


Boosting Public Transport and Logistics Efficiency:The establishment of efficient public transport systems is crucial for a developing nation like Uganda. The new expressways will serve as key corridors for public transportation, facilitating the movement of trucks, buses, and taxis. By providing dedicated lanes and faster routes, these expressways will encourage the use of public transport, reducing the reliance on private vehicles and subsequently decreasing congestion on other urban roads.

Furthermore, the improved logistics infrastructure resulting from the construction of expressways will benefit the transportation of goods and services. The swift movement of trucks and delivery vehicles will reduce transportation costs, enhance supply chain efficiency, and bolster trade within Uganda and with neighbouring countries.

Uganda’s ambitious initiative to construct expressways represents a significant milestone in its journey towards establishing a reliable transportation network. The introduction of dual carriageways with four lanes is poised to tackle the challenges of traffic congestion and road accidents resulting from narrow roads. By prioritizing safety, promoting public transport, and improving logistics efficiency, these expressways will play a pivotal role in uplifting the nation’s economy and enhancing the overall quality of life for its citizens. With such transformative infrastructure development, Uganda is set to unlock new opportunities for growth and progress.

Uganda To Construct More Expressways to Revolutionize Public Transport and Logistics Infrastructure

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