
UNBS Recognized for Leading Food Fortification Efforts in Uganda

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The USAID-Advancing Nutrition initiative has praised the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) for its role in promoting food fortification and improving nutrition. UNBS enforces mandatory food fortification regulations in Uganda, and it has received recognition for its efforts.

Appreciation Awards fpr UNBS

The USAID-Advancing Nutrition initiative in Uganda has recognized the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) for its excellent contribution to improving nutrition and encouraging widespread food fortification in the nation. This happened at a USAID-sponsored event in Kampala with the theme “Dissemination of Learning in the Reduction of Micronutrient Deficiencies through Large-Scale Food Fortification.”

Food fortification is the process of incorporating vitamins and minerals into commonly consumed food items in order to enhance their nutritional value and benefit the general public while posing the least amount of harm to their health. By fortifying meals to enhance them with Vitamin A, Iron, Zinc, and Folic Acid, the initiative in Uganda aims to combat malnutrition and deficits including Spina bifida and Anaemia.

According to the Food and Drugs (food fortification) (Amendment) Regulations, 2011 SI. No.53, the government of Uganda made food fortification mandatory for edible salt (iodine), edible oils and fats (vitamin A), and wheat flour (premix of vitamins and minerals) in 2011. For individuals who produce 20 mt or more of maize flour per day and above, fortification is still restricted.

The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) oversees developing, and enforcing national standards related to food fortification in Uganda to ensure compliance with the regulation. This is like how the Food Fortification Regulation 2005 and Amendment 2011 is housed under the Ministry of Health.

Dr. Henry Mwebesa, the chief guest from the Ministry of Health, praised UNBS for its devotion and commitment to enhancing the country’s nutritional status and eventually resulting in better health outcomes for Ugandans while giving the award.

To encourage food fortification among producers and importers, UNBS has created standards, some of which are.

Fortified Edible Oils & Fats – Specification, US EAS 769:2019 Fortified wheat flour – Specification, US EAS 767:2019

Fortified composite flour – Specification, US EAS 1024:2021

Fortified Milled Maize (Corn) Products – Specification, US EAS 768:2019 Fortified edible salt – Specification, US EAS 35:2021

US 2245: 2021 US 2245:2021, Food Safety – Requirements Fortified Sugar – Specification, US EAS 770:2012

As of Wednesday, August 2, 2023, more than 83 product names of fortified foods made by more than 37 businesses have received certification from UNBS and are in possession of valid certification permits. The UNBS website can be accessed at https://unbs.go.ug/e-services/certified-products/ to view a list of these products.

The certification procedure is still in progress as more applications for certification of fortified products have been received.

A key tactic in reducing micronutrient deficiencies has been recognized as widespread food fortification. With assistance from USAID-Advancing Nutrition Uganda, UNBS seeks to improve the nutritional value of frequently consumed food products by adding important vitamins and minerals like iron, folic acid, and iodine in order to close the gap in micronutrient intake among Ugandans.

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