
“You’ve Saved Us Jaaja”-Hundreds of Students Cut Off Kampala Streets Celebrating Newly Passed Anti Homosexuality Law

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Students from different universities in Uganda cut off Kampala streets marching to the Parliament to thank Speaker Hon. Anita Annet Among, HE Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and the legislators for passing the Anti-homosexuality Bill yesterday Wednesday 31st June 2023.

Students from different universities across the country marching to parliament of Uganda
with ply cards praising President Museveni and Speaker of Parliament yesterday 31st June 2023

Yesterday, the students from 13 universities across the country staged a peaceful march to the parliament to thank Speaker of Parliament Hon. Anita Among and President Museveni.

During the march students were heard singing patriotic songs in a show of appreciation and solidarity with the lawmakers and head of State which attracted hundreds of other people to join.

“The God almighty we lay our future in thy hands, united people liberty today,” they sang on the steps of Parliament’s entrance. 

“We don’t want your pro-gay money. We want to love our country more than money,” the students said.

Museveni on Monday signed into law what has been termed the world’s harshest anti-gay Bill which prescribes the death penalty for homosexual acts.

It followed the overwhelming passage of the Bill by Uganda’s Parliament on March 21st where only one of the 389 MPs who attended the debate objected to its enactment. 

Museveni, a vocal opponent of gay rights, commended the legislators for having “rejected the pressure from the imperialists.”

The law prescribes the death penalty for aggravated homosexuality or forcing children, the disabled, mentally ill persons and those of advanced age into homosexuality.

Students from different universities participating in a peaceful march to Parliament Of Uganda

Attempted homosexuality will attract a 14-year jail term and up to 20 years for the promotion of homosexuality. Recruiters of children into homosexuality will be slapped with a ten-year jail sentence. Anyone who “knowingly allow[s] their premises to be used for acts of homosexuality” faces seven years in jail.

President Museveni’s move to sign the Bill into law drew outrage from homosexuals with the UK terming it “deeply discriminatory” and one that will “damage Uganda’s international reputation.”

US President Joe Biden, a pure campaigner for homosexuality, termed it a “shameful” and “tragic violation of universal human rights.”

He said Washington was considering imposing “sanctions and restriction of entry into the United States against anyone involved in serious human rights abuses but Uganda has since trashed these threats and warned homosexuals to get saved or rot in jail.

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